Business Review Weekly

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The Business Review Weekly (BRW) is an Australian weekly business magazine. It regularly publishes lists which rank corporations and individuals according to various criteria, much like Fortune magazine in the United States.

The edition released on August 24 2006 celebrated 25 years of BRW. The very next issue released on August 31 2006 saw a major overhaul of the magazine with a whole new editorial team and a new layout. For the previous 8 weeks the edition had only been 76 pages long the new version has 116 pages although actual editorial content has remained at a similar level with many more advertisements in the first issue of this new look. The price for a regular issue has also increased $AUD1 to $AUD6.95.

The revamp has seen the Bandinage, SlitherShanks, Portfolio and Trends sections cease. A new section called L'espresso seems to have replaced the Review of news. A Diary section has been added for the next week and Dashboard and Barometer sections replace the Trends. Adele Ferguson's section remains a double page with two articles and there are now 4 opinion pieces following that. The order of the sections has been changed around with Leadership first followed by Innovation, Emerging Companies and what was the accounting section which is now called Business Services. At the end of the magazine is something called Lifecycle, it looks like a new version of portfolio although it covers the material in a very different way.

A new catch cry has also been introduced, BRW, Know which way business is heading.

The look and feel of BRW has totally changed under this latest revamp and is more than just an innovation on the previous version.

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