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Burst! is a client for the BitTorrent protocol.

Burst! uses a modified version of the original python client as the back-end, and replaces the front-end with a native Win32 application, which has a smaller memory footprint, due to replacing the wxPython GUI with one written in Delphi.

Burst! uses less system resources (with multiple transfers), and has more features than the original client, such as a torrents manager and the ability to enter super-seeding mode.

Burst! was programmed in Delphi and Python using Kylix


[edit] Status

According to the Burst-Announce mailing list (http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum=burst-announce), the client was last updated on 2006-Apr-09: it is Burst! v3.1.0b, a beta codenamed "Hurricane". It's based on BitTornado T-0.3.17.

Burst's homepage is mildly active (latest news: 2006-Nov-19), as are the project's forums on Sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=86654

[edit] License/Revenue Model

Burst! is released under the MIT license, and the source code is available to download from the homepage. It is free-libre.

Burst! is available at no charge. So it is also free-gratis. The author would appreciate donations (to be made via PayPal) and claims to pass on 5% of donations to SourceForge and 10% to the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Burst! does not appear to contain a built-in means of revenue generation (in-program ads etc) or install separate adware.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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