Burnt Bridge Creek Deviation

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The Burnt Bridge Creek Deviation is a 1.5 km stretch of freeway grade road in the Northern Beaches area of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. It forms part of Metroad 10 and is the only freeway grade section of that route.

It begins just past the Spit Bridge and runs from Sydney Road, Balgowlah to Condamine St, Manly Vale. There are no entry or exit ramps, and sound barriers run the entire length. Myrtle St and Kitchener St run over it but there are no access ramps to or from these roads. It runs, in a northbound direction, close to Frenchs Forest Road, then Brook Rd, Bangaroo St, Serpentine Cr, Daisy St, Myrtle St, Kitchener St, West St, Griffiths St then terminates at Condamine St. It is not tolled and runs in a curve-to-the-right (south to east) direction. The speed limit is 80 km/h for it's entire length. The entire freeway grade road can be considered starting at spit bidge and 2.5 kilometres long with exit ramps on Battle Boulvard and Ethel Street also running over it. But the two freeway grade roads are cuted in two beacause of the a traffic light with Sydney Road.

For those who don't or can't go on freeway grade roads, the most direct alternate route is to go east on Sydney Rd then north on Condamine St.

Although it appears to be an isolated oddity, the road is a reminder of many planned and never built freeways in the Sydney Basin, much like the Gladesville Bridge road complex. The original plans for the Warringah Freeway show the Burnt Bridge Creek Deviation as part of an expressway that would service the growing Northern Beaches area, but it was never built.

Suggestions have been floated in recent years to connect the two freeways, with the aid of a tunnel, but the cost of doing so is quite prohibitive.

The road takes its name from Burnt Bridge Creek which flows beneath the road, although there is no sign of the "burnt bridge" which gives the creek its name.

Sydney Metroads
Metroad 1 Metroad 2 Metroad 3 Metroad 4 Metroad 5 Metroad 6 Metroad 7 (unused) Metroad 9 Metroad 10