Burning Love (Arrested Development episode)

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Arrested Development episode
"Burning Love"
Episode No 2AJD09
Airdate January 30, 2005
Writer(s) Chuck Martin and Lisa Parsons
Director Paul Feig
On the next: "George Sr. shows up to bid on Lucille, but the sound of his wolf call and the smell of chicken teriyaki interfere."
Guest star(s) Mae Whitman as Ann Veal
Ed Begley Jr. as Stan Sitwell
Christine Taylor as Sally Sitwell
Rob Corddry as Moses Taylor
John Beard as Himself
Justin Grant Wade as Steve Holt

Arrested Development Season 2
November 2004 - April 2005

  1. The One Where Michael Leaves
  2. The One Where They Build a House
  3. ¡Amigos!
  4. Good Grief
  5. Sad Sack
  6. Afternoon Delight
  7. Switch Hitter
  8. Queen for a Day
  9. Burning Love
  10. Ready, Aim, Marry Me
  11. Out on a Limb
  12. Hand to God
  13. Motherboy XXX
  14. The Immaculate Election
  15. Sword of Destiny
  16. Meat the Veals
  17. Spring Breakout
  18. Righteous Brothers
All Arrested Development episodes

"Burning Love" was the 31st episode aired of TV comedy series Arrested Development.


[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Michael is in the courtyard at the house when George Michael comes and asks him if they have any music he can use for the Christian music bonfire, he and Ann are going to be hosting at the house. Michael mentions the Christmas music they have but George Michael specifies that it's not a 'Christian music' bonfire but rather a Christian 'music bonfire' where they burn satanic music. George Michael decides he'll take the day off to buy some music to burn and Michael offers to cover for him at the banana stand. Lucille comes and asks Michael for a favor, she wants him to bid on her at the Charity Auction mentioning that she can't have a replay of the previous year when Buster accidentally bid on Lucille 2 instead of her. Michael refuses. Lindsey comes to ask Lucille if she can borrow a fur since she has a date with Moses Taylor, the famous actor who plays Frank Wrench, a rule abiding detective on TV, in the park. Michael leaves to go to the banana stand but on his way out the door Tobias announces that he is no longer a standby understudy of the Blue Man Group, showing Michael a cease a desist order he received because of an ad he took out in a trade magazine promoting his own "Blue Man" show. We also learn from the TV that a wolf has been spotted in the park. A wolf call comes from upstairs causing Tobias to freak out, and Michael goes to check on George Sr, who called him upstairs to ask for a hot tub saying that he could use it as his water supply and to cook boil-in-the-bag pre-made meals. Michael refuses, citing how tight they are on money right now.

Later at the banana stand Michael is ordering an air-conditioner when Sally Sitwell, a girl that Michael had always been interested in but awkward around because of his father's competition with Stan Sitwell, walks by. After an awkward exchange with G.O.B. interrupting she leaves, we learn that G.O.B. is still with Lucille 2 even though he says it was a "one time thing".

Later at Lucille's apartment Michael asks her for her country club membership because he wants to run into Sally. Lucille agrees on the condition that Michael bids on her at the charity auction.

Michael goes to the country club for his 'accidental' encounter with Sally. He runs into Sally and her father and is invited to lunch with them. At lunch Michael notices G.O.B. out with Lucille 2 and Stan invites them to eat with them. At the lunch both Michael and G.O.B. pretend to not be interested in the women they're interested in. At the end of the lunch Michael tries to pay using his card but it gets declined due to some increased activity on it. We learn that George Sr. used the card to buy a hot tub and a case of bag-and-boil dinners.

Later at the house in the attic Michael confronts George Sr. about his spending. George Sr. tells Michael not to go after Sally because he doesn't want Stan Sitwell saying his daughter is sticking it to George Sr.'s son. Now that his father's disapproves Michael decides that he will go after Sally.

Downstairs Michael talks to G.O.B. and strikes up a deal that if he doesn't tell anyone about G.O.B. and Lucille 2, G.O.B. will siphon gas from Sally's car so that Michael can come with the Corvette and look like a man.

Earlier Tobias had found a sign offering a bounty on the wolf that has been sighted, Tobias buys a tranquilizer gun in order to capture the wolf, claim the prize money, and bid on his wife at charity auction.

Later in the park, Lindsey, dressed in a fur coat, is meeting Moses Taylor for their date. Moses leaves her for a second to get someone to read the second amendment when Lindsey breaks her heel, falls to the ground and howls. Tobias, thinking he'd found the wolf, fires the tranquilizer gun at her. Upon his return Moses find Lindsey knocked out and takes her away and leaves her on a bench. We learn that Moses is trying to distance himself from the "Moses Taylor hunts people" scandal started by "a rabid anti-gun fanatic".

That night Michael went to help Sally with the car trouble G.O.B. was supposed to have created, instead the car is on fire. Michael tries to put the fire out but is rescued by the fire department before Sally sees his heroics. Sally does, however, arrive on time to find Michael in a fireman's arms wrapped in a blanket.

At the hospital Michael tries to ask Sally out on a date but is cut off by a coughing fit, before it finishes Sally announces that she has to leave to do the charity auction. Michael decides that he's going to bid on Sally.

At the CD burning party Ann is upset because Maeby told people it was a CD burning party and people are there burning (copying) CDs.

Meanwhile at the charity auction, Lindsey is still feeling the tranquilizer and no one is bidding on her. The bid amount is down to 10 dollars when Tobias asks Michael for some money to bid on his wife, Michael mentions that he has 5000 dollars that he needs to bid on Sally but if Tobias wants to make a low bid it wouldn't be a problem. Tobias promptly bids the whole 5000.

At the home, George Michael makes Ann listen to the Jerky Boys and after they're in his room prank calling Michael when they share their first kiss.

When Sally comes up for sale Michael is talking to her father and they come up with a deal that Michael would give Stan the Corvette and Stan would give him the money he needs for Sally. After the auction when Sally learns that Michael made a deal with her father, she tells Michael he can have the car back because she's sick of her father interfering with the men she dates. Back at the auction Lucille 2 is up for bids, once G.O.B. learns that Sitwell is bidding on her he spends all the money his mother gave to him to bid on her.

[edit] Episode Notes

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details about this and future episodes follow.
  • George Michael and Ann share their first kiss in this episode.

[edit] References

  • Peter and the Wolf - George Michael finds a Peter and the Wolf read-along record and wants to use it for the Christian music bonfire, it turns out to be a Homefill model home decoration
  • Jerky Boys - George Michael is fond of the Jerky Boys and prank calls his father, once with Ann in this episode.
  • Thriller - Upon learning about the Christian music bonfire, Maeby tells George Michael that Jesus called and wants his Thriller album.
  • Blue Man Group - Tobias is no longer a standby understudy of the Blue Man Group as he receives a cease and desist order.
  • Pat Boone, Eminem - When George Michael is talking about what albums he was thinking of burning he mentions these two artists.

[edit] Callbacks/Running Jokes

  • Magic
    • G.O.B. unsuccessfully performs his fireball trick, spraying Sally Sitwell with lighter fluid.
    • G.O.B. accidentally triggers the fireball trick while talking to Michael about siphoning gas from Sally's car so that he can 'rescue' her.
  • Bleep - While talking about Stan Sitwell, G.O.B. says "...and I hate the guy, but at least he's got [bleep], satiny and smooth probably."
  • Chicken Dance - When G.O.B. is telling Michael that he didn't go after Sally because he was scared, G.O.B. does a half hearted chicken dance while still on his Segway. When asked if he'd going to get off and do his dance G.O.B says he hurt his ankle "shooting hoops or something" when really he had done the chicken dance to Buster and hurt himself.
  • H.O.O.G or Hands Off Our Guns is very similar to Lindsey's H.O.O.P or Hands Off Our Penises
  • Come on
    • When G.O.B. and Michael are at their awkward lunch G.O.B. calls Sally Michael's girl, Michael responds "Come on. I don't have a girl".
    • When G.O.B. asks Michael if he's going to tell anyone about him and Lucille 2, Michael says "Come on. I'm not one to judge."
  • Funke Sexuality Issues - Lindsay says, "I’m going to see if I can get a wrench to strip my nuts. I, uh, tried to be sexy. It just... got away from me."
  • Sitwell's Hair - In a flash back we see Stan bringing a Mustang convertible for a test drive, upon his return he's lost all his hair except for a misplaced eyebrow on his forehead.
  • Mirroring Charity Drive Lindsey is in no condition to be bid on and a Bluth boy spends the money their mother gave to them to bid on her on Lucille 2.
  • Wolf Howl - George Sr. howls like a wolf a few times in this episode, he does so again in Ready, Aim, Marry Me

[edit] Hidden/Background Jokes

  • Frank Wrench is a homage to the obscure 80's comedy Sledge_Hammer!.
  • At the start of the episode the camera is focused on a Sudden Valley sign reading "Thank you for visiting Residence Two", when the camera pans to Michael at a table in the courtyard there is another Sudden Valley sign reading "This courtyard is an included feature and varies per building elevation"
  • In the restaurant G.O.B. reads Lucille 2 the appetizers in a deep voice-over type voice. The actor who plays G.O.B, Will Arnett, used to do voice-over work for commercials.
  • Steve Holt delivers George Sr. his bag-and-boil dinners.
  • Blue Paint - there are blue hand prints in the house.
  • Barry Zuckerkorn's Spanish bench sign appears in this episode on the bench that Moses Taylor leaves Lindsey on.

[edit] Character Cameos

[edit] Foreshadowing/Future References

  • Tobias declares "I'm going hunting for my wife." Though with the intentions to shoot the rumored wolf to win her over, he ends up shooting her instead.

[edit] Goofs

[edit] Sources