Burmese martial arts

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Burmese martial arts has a long history, which includes regional influences.

Eagle form
Eagle form


[edit] Origins

Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) borders India, China and Thailand. As a result, it possesses a rich martial arts heritage. As with the fabled Shaolin Temple of China, Buddhist monks from India introduced the martial arts into Myanmar almost 2000 years ago.

Later, Chinese styles filtered their way south, merging with earlier influences to form the martial body of knowledge collectively known as Thaing. Thaing includes both unarmed arts, of which Bando is the most widely known, as well as arts of the sword, staff, and spear, 'Banshay. Other unarmed arts include Naban or Burmese wrestling and Lethwei or Burmese boxing, closely related to other boxing styles found in Southeast Asia.

As in the case of China, Buddhist monks had much to do with the development of the fighting arts in Burma. There are many legends about Buddhist monks teaching students the martial arts in secret. In those days, it was unwise to make public one's fighting techniques. Once a technique became public property, it was no longer as effective as before, because counters would be invented to neutralize the techniques. Therefore it was safer for the monks to teach their martial arts in the close secrecy of the monastery.

Ancient writings reveal that as far back as the time of King Anawrahta (1044 - 77 A.D.) Buddhist monks were teaching the secrets of breath-control and mediation practice in addition to the principle of yielding of force – a principle that is found in arts like tai chi, aikido, and even judo.

These techniques spread by the 11th century monks were handed down from generation to generation until now, where they have become part of the 'bando' system of Burmese martial arts.

Traditional arakan naban
Traditional arakan naban

Among the arts of unarmed combat listed under the term 'thaing' are:

  • Bando (Animal system or free hands system)
  • Banshay (Arts of the sword, staff and spear)
  • Lethwei (Burmese Boxing)
  • Naban (Burmese wrestling)

 Modern naban
Modern naban

[edit] Popularity

When the Japanese – during World War II – occupied Burma, they encouraged the practice of the Burmese arts of unarmed combat. This led to a revival of interest in the martial arts and subsequently to the rapid spread of knowledge. By 1944, the East Asiatic Youth League – an organization promoting the practice of thaing – had an enrollment of 20,000.

In their enthusiasm for the martial arts, the Japanese went to the extent of participating in some of the bouts for bandoists. It led to some surprising results. Judo, jujutsu, and even aikido exponents pitted their techniques against the bandoists of Burma.

This intermingling of two different cultures and different styles of unarmed combat benefited both the Japanese and Burmese. The two sides saw the weaknesses and the strengths of their respective arts and this led to further development. As a result of contact with the Japanese, the bando art of fighting evolved into a much more lethal system of empty-hand fighting.

Like karate and the other forms of martial arts, there are many styles of bando fighting. Despite the variety, it is possible to trace certain basic similarities in all the schools of bando fighting.

Long stick
Long stick

[edit] Training levels

All bando schools start off by teaching the basic stances and the footholds – just as in kung fu or karate. This preliminary stage of training lasts for several months. In some cases the first stage might drag on for years, depending on the instructor or the style of bando being taught.

In the second stage of training, the bando student has to go through a whole arsenal of blocking and parrying techniques. At the end of this stage, the student is fairly well equipped for defending himself against unarmed attackers. But he cannot be regarded as a full-fledged fighter.

 Min zin
Min zin

The final stage involves the learning of offensive techniques. Before the student learns these techniques, the master makes sure that he will not abuse his knowledge. This cautious attitude towards the learning of the martial arts was probably derived from the Chinese tradition of martial arts instruction. There have been many cases of students abusing their acquired skills to the extent that sometimes the masters are threatened.


[edit] Various names

Animal names are used to denote some of the forms that can be found in Bando. This probably comes from the Chinese influence. There are forms called Boar, Bull, Cobra, Deer, Eagle, Monkey, Paddle Bird, Panther, Python, Scorpion, Tiger and Viper.

The names indicate the characteristics of the forms. Thus the Python form includes crushing, strangling and gripping moves while the Tiger form applies to maneuvers which involve clawing and ripping. The Deer form has been given that name because it is meant to develop alertness in the bandoist.

Bando fighting generally leaves the initiative to the opponent. It is a style of combat that relies heavily on countering moves. Thus when attacked, the bandoist would first withdraw and then begin the counter-attack.

Bando attacks include much handwork directed at the body. But the bandoist does not neglect using the head, shoulder, elbow, knee, and foot for offensive purposes. Attacking the private parts is also a favorite technique with bandoists.

Pongyi thaing"
Pongyi thaing"

The techniques of bando fighting are learned mainly through the practice of forms and with partners. The final stage of mastery includes participation in contests, which sometimes end in deaths.

Bando yoga
Bando yoga

[edit] Bando in the U.S.

Dr. Gyi - The Father Of American Bando

Bando was introduced in the U.S. by Maung Gyi, a college professor who began teaching the art on April 3, 1960, in Washington, D.C. Later, Bando classes were formally conducted at American University until the fall of 1966. Dr. Gyi organized the American Bando Association on June 15, 1968, at Ohio University. Members present at this initiation ceremony took a blood oath.

Maung Gyi
Maung Gyi

According to Donn Draeger's Asian Fighting Arts first copyrighted in 1969: "In 1933 the Military Athletic Club was formed at Maymyo [sic?] in northern Burma by Gurkha Officers. By the end of the decade the club included Chin, Burmese, Kachin and Karen army officers. G. Bahadur, a Gurkha, was elected the first chairman of the club. Another luminary was Ba Than (Gyi) who was to serve twenty five years as Director of Physical Education of Burma before retiring.

Ba Than (Gyi)
Ba Than (Gyi)

"...the International Bando Association, was established recently by Ba Than (Gyi) in memory of those who died in the China-Burma-India area for the allied cause in World War II. As such, it continues the work of the Military Athletic Club, which lapsed in 1948. It has of course a more international character, and Maung Gyi, its teacher accredited to the United States, is the son of Ba Than (Gyi). Maung Gyi a versatile fighter in his own right, having studied Chinese, Indian, Japanese and Western methods."

The International Bando Association was officially formed on March 9, 1946, by Ba Than Gyi (Dr. Gyi's Father), then director of physical education and athletics for the Union of Burma. The IBA was organized in honor of those servicemen who fought and died in the China-Burma-India theater of World War II.

Cardio lethwei : moderm training
Cardio lethwei : moderm training

[edit] Internal links

[edit] Sources

[edit] External links

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