Budapest College of Communication and Business

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The Budapest College of Communication and Business is a private higher education institute, which was started by the BKF Foundation, and it was acknowledged by the Parliamentary amendment of the Act on the Higher Education in the year 2000. The college offered regular and correspondence BA courses in business communication, international communication, a joint degree in communication (journalism) and European public service and business administration between 2001 and 2005. The college was accredited also as an adult education institute in 2003. It has started the training of television journalists in partnership with the Hungarian Public Television. It has its own language department, which functions as an official EURO, ITK-Origo and TOEIC language exam centre and offers regular, business and special language courses. The Trade Academy of BKF offers special courses at intermediate and advanced level. The students can master the tricks of their chosen professions in study groups of 12-18 in the school’s pleasant campus, which is located in a suburb of Budapest. The well-equipped and modern school buildings have recently been renovated, and a brand-new, high-tech building was constructed in 2005 with the support of the European Union. Apart from baccalaureate courses, the school also offers vocational and post graduate courses, company courses in communication, business communication and European public management. The school also has a secondary school (BKF Bilingual Vocational School).

The Budapest College of Communication and Business had its first graduation ceremony in February 26, 2005, when the school bid farewell in style to the first students of business communication who graduated in January 2005. In 2006, the college has added the "Business" to its name, reflecting the growing importance of the courses in business within the curriculum.

‘Bologna’ programs of Budapest College of Communication and Business since September 2006


Specialisations offered: – Electronic media – Printed media – International communication – Public Relations, advertising, marketing

Course aims: The aim of the course is to train experts in communication who know the communication systems operating in our society, the communication laws of the society as well as the most important institutions of communication and media. They will be able to occupy middle management positions, according to their qualifications, with their acquired theoretical and practical knowledge. Graduates will have acquired enough theoretical knowledge to be able to continue on a master level.


Specialisations offered: – Enterprise organiser – Business communication

Course aims: The aim of the course is to train economic experts who having acquired knowledge in economy, social sciences, applied business science and methodology are able to plan and analyse business processes and manage or organise these activities for institutions, enterprises and companies. Furthermore, graduates will have acquired enough theoretical knowledge to be able to continue at a master level


Specialisations offered: – International communication – Economic and foreign politics journalism – Corporate and Business Communication

Course aims: The aim of the course is to train economic experts who are fluent in at least two foreign languages and who having acquired knowledge in economy, social sciences, applied business science and methodology are able to manage and organise international enterprises and acquire enough knowledge to be able to continue on a master level


Specialisations offered: – European public management – Policy communication

Course aims: The aim of the course is to train economic experts who having acquired advanced knowledge in business studies, social sciences, organising and management and communication skills are able to do manage, plan and analyse at middle management level in the public service, public administration, and governmental, non-governmental and international institutions. The course covers the function of the public service of the European Union, the skill of managing acquisition and use of funds. The course gives a versatile and all-round knowledge which provides the graduates with excellent chances to obtain employment in various organizations in the public sector but the acquired knowledge also makes them marketable in private business.

The Journal "Communication, Media, Economics"

The pride of the College is the “Communication, Media, Economics” journal. a professional forum of scientists, experts and fresh graduates. The journal is issued together with the Századvég Publishing Co.

Main Editor: Professor Jolán Róka Ph.D. Contact: