Budaka District

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Budaka is a district of Uganda created on 1 July 2005. It is named after the town of Budaka . Formerly part of Pallisa District, it was created out of the former Budaka county and the sub-counties of Kakoro, Kabwangasi, Kirika and Kadama in Pallisa.

Districts of Uganda Flag of Uganda

Central: Kalangala | Kampala | Kayunga | Kiboga | Luwero | Masaka | Mityana | Mpigi | Mubende | Mukono | Nakaseke | Nakasongola | Rakai | Sembabule | Wakiso
Eastern: Amuria | Budaka | Bugiri | Bukwa | Busia | Butaleja | Iganga | Jinja | Kaberamaido | Kaliro | Kamuli | Kapchorwa | Katakwi | Kumi | Manafwa | Mayuge | Mbale | Pallisa | Sironko | Soroti | Tororo
Northern: Amolatar | Adjumani | Apac | Arua | Gulu | Kaabong | Kitgum | Koboko | Kotido | Lira | Moroto | Moyo | Nakapiripirit | Nebbi | Pader | Yumbe
Western: Bundibugyo | Bushenyi | Hoima | Ibanda | Kabale | Kabarole | Kamwenge | Kanungu | Kasese | Kibaale | Kabingo | Kiruhura | Kisoro | Kyenjojo | Masindi | Mbarara | Ntungamo | Rukungiri