BSI Management Systems

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BSI Management Systems, a division of the BSI Group, works with organizations to assess their implementation and administration of their management systems and business processes. Organizations often employ formalized management systems to enable them to more effectively manage their social, environmental, legal and financial risks, provide greater stakeholder transparency and optimize their operations. BSI Management Systems offers assessment, certification and training services in these following management systems areas:

In order to ensure they have derived the most benefit from their management system an organization often decides to publically prove that it meets the requirements by inviting a certification body like BSI Management Systems to assess and evaluate their implementation of the management system. BSI Management Systems is an accredited registrar holding 20 worldwide accreditations to certify organizations to international management systems standards, such as ISO 9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environmental Management, ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management, SA8000 Social Accountability. It also certifies organizations to unaccredited management systems standards such as OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety, Publically Available Specifications such as as PAS 99, and private management systems standards and verifies greenhouse gas emissions for the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and other voluntary schemes around the world.

BSI Management Systems works with a wide range of organizations including: Boeing, HP, LukOil, Petrobras, Hyundai, Air China, General Motors, Alcoa, Citi Group, Royal Mail, Tarmac Group, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, and the United Nations

For more information on BSI Management Systems please visit the website [1] and other BSI Group companies please visit the website [2]