Brush border

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1 Glomerulus, 2 proximal tubule, 3 distal tubule. Note how the border around the "2"s are thicker than the borders around the "3".
1 Glomerulus, 2 proximal tubule, 3 distal tubule. Note how the border around the "2"s are thicker than the borders around the "3".

A brush border (or striated border) is the name for the microvilli-covered surface of pseudostratified columnar epithelium found in multiple locations of the body. While the individual cilia can be distinguished using electron microscopes,[1] with a light microscope they can usually only be seen collectively, as a fuzzy fringe at the surface of the epithelium.

They are found in two main locations:

[edit] References

  1. ^ Histology at BU 21901loa
  2. ^ Histology at BU 12202loa
  3. ^ Histology at BU 11703loa
  4. ^
  5. ^ Histology at OU 35_19 - Kidney
  6. ^ Histology at KUMC urinary-renal13 "Tubules"
  7. ^ Histology at USC epi/c_6
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