Bruno Faidutti
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Bruno Faidutti (23 October 1961) is an historian and sociologist, living in France, who is best known as an author of board games. His best known games include Knightmare Chess (1991), Mystery of the Abbey (1993, 2003) and Citadels (2000). He is also involved in the boardgaming community with his "Ideal Games Library" website and personal "Game of the Year" prize.
Many of his games are the results of collaboration with other designers. "Six Degrees of Bruno Faidutti" is a parlour game linking game designers, based on the game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.
[edit] Ludography
[edit] Sole designer
- Valley of the Mammoths, 1991, Ludodélire
- Corruption, 1999, Jeux Descartes
- Citadels, 2000, Multisim (later published by other publishers including Millennium, Hans im Glück and Fantasy Flight Games)
- Bongo (game), 2000, Heidelberger Spieleverlag
- Dragon's Gold, 2001, Jeux Descartes
- Valley of the Mammoths, 2001, Jeux Descartes
- China Moon, 2003, Eurogames
- Terra, 2003, Days of Wonder
- Babylon, 2004, Cocktail Games
[edit] Collaborations with Pierre Cléquin
- Baston, 1983, Jeux Actuels
- Knightmare Chess, 1991, Ludodélire
- Knightmare Chess, 1996, Variantes
- Knightmare Chess 2, 1998, Variantes
[edit] Collaborations with Serge Laget
- Meurtre à l'Abbaye, 1996, Multisim
- Castle, 2000, Jeux Descartes
- Mystery of the Abbey, 2003, Days of Wonder (a redevelopment of Meurtre à l'Abbaye)
[edit] After an original idea by Karl-Heinz Schmiel
- Democrazy, 2000, Jeux Descartes (after Das Regeln wir schon)
[edit] Collaborations with Michael Schacht
- Draco & Co, 2001, Jeux Descartes
- Fist of Dragonstones, 2002, Days of Wonder
[edit] Collaborations with Leo Colovini
- Vabanque, 2001, Winning Moves
[edit] Collaborations with Alan R. Moon
- De l'Orc pour les Braves, 2003, Asmodée
- Diamant, 2005, Schmidt Spiele
[edit] Collaborations with Bruno Cathala
- Queen's Necklace, 2003, Days of Wonder
- Boomtown, 2004, Asmodée
- Igloo Igloo, 2004, Goldsieber
- Mission: Red Planet, 2005, Asmodée
[edit] Collaborations with Gwénaël Bouquin
- Knock! Knock!, 2004, Asmodée
[edit] Collaborations with Paul Randles and Mike Selinker
- Key Largo, 2005, Tilsit Editions