Bruce Allen

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For the Canadian manager of musical artists, see Bruce Allen (manager).
For the Boston area sports media critic, see Bruce Allen (media).

Bruce Allen is a physics professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He is leader of the Einstein@Home project for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. He has done research work on models of the very early universe (inflationary cosmology, cosmic strings). Allen currently leads a research group working on the detection of gravitational waves.

To detect disk failures on a computing cluster of 300 client nodes, he started to develop the widely known program smartmontools (monitoring SMART status) which is available for multiple platforms and published under GNU General Public License.

Date of birth: May 11, 1959
Marital status: Married, with two children.


[edit] Education/Positions

1980 B.S. in Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (advisor: Rainer Weiss)
1984 PhD. in Gravitation and Cosmology, Cambridge University, England (advisor: Stephen Hawking)
1983-5 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California Santa Barbara (Physics Department)
1985-6 Postdoctoral Fellow, Tufts University (Physics Department)
1986-7 Chercheur Associé, Observatoire de Paris - Meudon, France
1987-9 Research Assistant Professor, Tufts University
1989-92 Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
1992-7 Associate Professor of Physics, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
1997- Professor of Physics, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

[edit] Visiting Appointments

1994 Six months, Isaac Newton Mathematical Institute, Cambridge, England
1995 Six months, Caltech Relativity Group
1997 One year, Caltech LIGO Project
1999 Six months, Caltech LIGO Project
2000-5 Few months/year, Albert Einstein Institute, Golm, Germany

[edit] Publications

About 80 in refereed journals.

[edit] Awards

1980 Phi Beta Kappa, MIT
1980-5 NSF Graduate Fellowship (declined)
1980-2 Churchill Scholarship (declined)
1980-2 Marshall Scholar, Cambridge University
1981 Knight Prize, Cambridge University
1990 First Prize, Gravity Research Foundation
1997 University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, Graduate School Research Award
2002-3 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
2004 Elected Fellow, Institute of Physics (UK)
2005 Elected Fellow, American Physical Society

[edit] Research Support

Allen's research work has been funded by the US National Science Foundation since 1987.

[edit] External links