User:Bronger/French constellation maps

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[edit] Translation of constellation maps labels to French

If you've translated something, please change the

style="color: red"


style="color: green"

in the <td> element.

There are some three-letter abbreviations. If you think it's appropriate, please translate them, too, but keep their shortness. Keep the LaTeX commands. These are all the strange things (mostly word beginning with backslashs, and different braces) around the actual labels.

About the copyright question (because perpetually it seems to be a problem): The English constellation maps have my (Torsten Bronger) copyright which means that I am the original author. But they are published under the terms of the GFDL nevertheless, and that is all that counts. Thus they can be used freely according to this licence.

The French maps – if they come – will have no copyright or the copyright of the uploader (who I won't be due to lack of time). I will deliver a only zip file with the bitmaps. -- Torsten Bronger 11:28, 16 Nov 2003 (UTC)

[edit] Discussion

Should it be "LMC" or "GNM"? I've found only quite a few pages with GNM, but anyway. – Torsten Bronger 07:33, 17 Nov 2003 (UTC)

If there is not much space, I have to abbreviate the constellation name with three letters. But how should we abbreviate e.g. "Libra"–"Balance"? With "Lib" oe with "Bal"? – Torsten Bronger 07:11, 18 Nov 2003 (UTC)

I don't know, even if french is more or less my native language, there is a lot of thing that I know much better in english than in french, like the constellation names or the usage of "GNM" ... I will look for this information. At first sight, it seems that the latin abbreviations are used. -- Looxix

Another thing is the upper/lowercase question. "Petit chien" or "Petit Chien" or "petit chien"? – Torsten Bronger 09:02, 19 Nov 2003 (UTC)

Mmmm, very good and difficult question. I must check. -- Looxix

You can download provisional versions at [[1]]. The integration of remaining problems (stylistic and typographic) can be done within minutes. – Torsten Bronger 13:27, 20 Nov 2003 (UTC)

Thanks a lots Torsten I will quickly install them on the wiki (alas, a lot of constellation article are still no done on fr:). -- Looxix 22:14, 20 Nov 2003 (UTC)

[edit] The table

English French
\\FlexLabel{Apus} \\FlexLabel{Oiseau~de~Paradis}
\\FlexLabel{Camelopardalis} \\FlexLabel{Girafe}
\\FlexLabel{Chamaeleon} \\FlexLabel{Camaéléon}
\\FlexLabel{Draco} \\FlexLabel{Dragon}
\\FlexLabel{Mensa} \\FlexLabel{Table}
\\FlexLabel{Octans} \\FlexLabel{Octant}
\\FlexLabel{UMi} \\FlexLabel{UMi}
\\FlexLabel{Ursa~Minor} \\FlexLabel{Petite~Ourse}
\\vbox{\\hbox{Andro-}\\hbox{meda}} \\vbox{\\hbox{Andro-}\\hbox{mède}}
\\vtop{\\hbox{Canis}\\hbox{Major}} \\vtop{\\hbox{Grand}\\hbox{Chien}}
Camelopardalis Girafe
\"Canes Venatici\" \"Chiens de chasse\"
\"Canis Major\" \"Grand chien\"
\"Canis Minor\" \"Petit chien\"
\"Coma Berenices\" \"Chevelure de Bérénice\"
\"Corona Australis\" \"Couronne australe\"
\"Corona Borealis\" \"Couronne boréale\"
Draco Dragon
\"Leo Minor\" \"Petit lion\"
\"Piscis Austrinus\" \"Poisson austral\"
\"Ursa Major\" \"Grande Ourse\"
\"Ursa Minor\" \"Petite Ourse\"
\FlexLabel{Cepheus} \FlexLabel{Céphée}
\FlexLabel{UMa} \FlexLabel{UMa}
\"\\\\footnotesize Achernar\" \"\\\\footnotesize Achernar\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Acrux\" \"\\\\footnotesize Acrux\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Aldebaran\" \"\\\\footnotesize Aldébaran\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Algol\" \"\\\\footnotesize Algol\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Alioth\" \"\\\\footnotesize Alioth\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Alkaid\" \"\\\\footnotesize Alkaïd\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Antares\" \"\\\\footnotesize Antarès\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Arcturus\" \"\\\\footnotesize Arcturus\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Atair\" \"\\\\footnotesize Ataïr\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Betelgeuse\" \"\\\\footnotesize Bételgeuse\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Canopus\" \"\\\\footnotesize Canopus\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Capella\" \"\\\\footnotesize Capella\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Castor\" \"\\\\footnotesize Castor\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Choo\" \"\\\\footnotesize Choo\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Cor Caroli\" \"\\\\footnotesize Cor Caroli\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Deneb\" \"\\\\footnotesize Deneb\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Denebola\" \"\\\\footnotesize Denebola\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Dubhe\" \"\\\\footnotesize Dubhe\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Fomalhaut\" \"\\\\footnotesize Fomalhaut\"
This is the Large Magellanic Cloud "LMC":
\"\\\\footnotesize L\\\\kern0.1emM\\\\kern0.1emC\" \"\\\\footnotesize L\\\\kern0.1emM\\\\kern0.1emC\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Mira\" \"\\\\footnotesize Mira\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Mirfak\" \"\\\\footnotesize Mirfak\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Polaris\" \"\\\\footnotesize Polaris\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Pollux\" \"\\\\footnotesize Pollux\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Procyon\" \"\\\\footnotesize Procyon\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Regulus\" \"\\\\footnotesize Régulus\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Rigel\" \"\\\\footnotesize Rigel\"
This is the Small Magellanic Cloud "SMC":
\"\\\\footnotesize S\\\\kern0.1emM\\\\kern0.1emC\" \"\\\\footnotesize S\\\\kern0.1emM\\\\kern0.1emC\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Sirius\" \"\\\\footnotesize Sirius\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Sirrah\" \"\\\\footnotesize Sirrah\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Spica\" \"\\\\footnotesize Spica\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Toliman\" \"\\\\footnotesize Toliman\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Vega\" \"\\\\footnotesize Véga\"
\"\\\\footnotesize Virgo galaxy cluster\" \"\\\\footnotesize Amas de la Vierge\"
\"\\\\footnotesize\\\\itshape Coalsack\" \"\\\\footnotesize\\\\itshape Sac de charbon\"
\\parbox[t]{1.8cm}{Serpens\\\\Caput} \\parbox[t]{1.8cm}{tête~du\\\\serpent}
\\parbox[t]{2cm}{Ser\\\\Cauda} \\parbox[t]{2cm}{queue\\\\du~ser.}
\"\\\\small Crux\" \"\\\\small Croix du Sud\"
\"\\\\smaller Corvus\" \"\\\\smaller Corbeau\"
\\vtop{\\hbox{Piscis}\\hbox{Austrinus}} \\vtop{\\hbox{Poisson}\\hbox{austral}}
\\vtop{\\hbox{Triangulum}\\hbox{Australe}} \\vtop{\\hbox{Triangle}\\hbox{austral}}
Andromeda Andromède
Antlia \"Machine pneumatique\"
Apus \"Oiseau de paradis\"
Aqr Aqr
Aquarius Verseau
Aquila Aigle
Ara Autel
Aries Bélier
Ari Ari
Auriga Cocher
Boötes Bouvier
Boo Boo
Caelum Burin
Cae Cae
Cam Cam
Cancer Cancer
Capricornus Capricorne
Cap Cap
Carina Carène
Car Car
Cassiopeia Cassiopée
Centaurus Centaure
Cen Cen
Cepheus Céphée
Cep Cep
Cetus Baleine
Cet Cet
Chamaeleon Camaéléon
Circinus Compas
Cir Cir
Cnc Cnc
Columba Columbe
Corvus Corbeau
Crater Coupe
Crt Crt
Crux Croix
Crv Crv
Cygnus Cygne
Cyg Cyg
Delphinus Dauphin
Del Del
Dorado Dorade
Dor Dor
Equuleus \"Petit cheval\"
Equ Equ
Eridanus Éridan
Eri Eri
Fornax Fourneau
Gemini Gémaux
Grus Grue
Hercules Hercule
Her Her
Horologium Horologe
Hor Hor
Hya Hya
Hydra \"Hydre\"
Hydrus \"Hydre mâle\"
Hyi Hyi
Indus Indien
Ind Ind
Lacerta Lézard
Lac Lac
Leo Lion
Lepus Lièvre
Libra Balance
Lib Lib
Lupus Loup
Lynx Lynx
Lyra Lyre
Mensa Table
Microscopium Microscope
Mic Mic
Monoceros Licorne
Mon Mon
Musca Mouche
Norma Règle
Octans Octant
Ophiuchus Ophiuchus
Oph Oph
Orion Orion
Ori Ori
Pavo Paon
Pegasus Pégase
Peg Peg
Perseus Persée
Phe Phe
Phoenix Phénix
Pictor Peintre
Pic Pic
Pisces Poissons
Pleiades Pléiades
Puppis Poupe
Pup Pup
Pyxis Boussole
Reticulum Réticule
Ret Ret
Sagitta Flèche
Sagittarius Sagittaire
Scl Scl
Scorpius Scorpion
Sco Sco
Sculptor Sculpteur
Scutum Écu
Serpens Serpent
Ser Ser
Sextans Sextant
Sex Sex
Sgr Sgr
Taurus Taureau
Tau Tau
Telescopium Télescope
Tel Tel
Triangulum Triangle
Tri Tri
Tucana Toucan
Tuc Tuc
Vela Voiles
Virgo Vierge
Volans \"Poisson Volant\"
Vol Vol
Vulpecula \"Petit renard\"

[edit] Style discussion

Should the maps on fr: have a different visual appearance? -- Torsten Bronger 11:28, 16 Nov 2003 (UTC)

personnaly, I prefer the default dark blue background. -- Looxix

What about having fewer stars? The English maps sometimes look very dotty, and the constellation labels often collides with such very faint stars. Orion is a counter-example. – Torsten Bronger 10:43, 19 Nov 2003 (UTC)

Yes, I think this is a good idea. -- Looxix