Brothers (TNG episode)

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Star Trek: TNG episode

"Dr. Soong summons his creation, Data in "Brothers".
Episode no. 77
Prod. code 177
Airdate October 08, 1990
Writer(s) Rick Berman
Director Rob Bowman
Guest star(s) Colm Meaney
Cory Danziger
Adam Ryen
James Lashly
Year 2367
Stardate 44085.7
Episode chronology
Previous "Family"
Next "Suddenly Human"

"Brothers" is the title of a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, from the fourth season, written by Rick Berman.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

A misguided prank results in a boy believing his brother had died after convincing him to eat fruit containing toxic parasites. Although he cannot be treated on the Enterprise, the Starship Enterprise is close enough to reach a Federation Starbase in time. In the turbolift while Data is taking the boy to see his brother in sick bay, he suddenly breaks off the conversation and acts as if he is processing information. He returns to the bridge, goes to his station at ops and begins entering new commands. Oxygen systems begin to shut down on the bridge, forcing the crew to evacuate. Captain Picard, knowing this is no problem to an android, tells him to transfer control to engineering and remain there to try to fix the problem.

Alone, Data imitates Captain Picard's voice and command codes, and with his own knowledge of the Enterprise computer, locks out the crew's access codes and seals himself on the bridge. In engineering, the flag officers assemble, puzzled that they don't have control and realize that Data has gone rogue. Captain Picard orders a separation of the Saucer Section while at warp speed, a risky maneuver. Data discovers this and cancels the sequence. He then simulates Captain Picard's voice and locks out control of the ship from everywhere except the bridge. He creates a long and complex security pasword ensuring that no-one else can gain control. The Enterprise alters course to an unknown planet, while Doctor Crusher attempts to keep her patient calm. The crew de-activates the 'site-to-site' function of the transporter to keep Data on the ship. Data discovers this while attempting to arrange transport to the surface, so he moves armed security personnel blocking his way by initiating an internal shield cascade between the bridge and transporter room one (that is to say that internal shields switch on and off in a sequence, allowing Data time to walk between them, but baffling ship's security). Data re-activates the transporter and beams to the planet.

There he enters a dwelling on the planet, which is occupied by his creator Dr. Noonien Soong. He tells Data that he called him here, and performs a minor manual adjustment to allow Data to return to normal. When this happens Data fails to comprehend how he was on the Enterprise, but is now here, suggesting a form of automatic recall. Soong reveals that he's dying and wishes to gift to his 'son' an emotion chip, but, prior to its installation, the two talk about Data's choices in life. However, Soong is unaware that Lore has been reassembled, and the signal brings him as well.

At the "family" gathering Lore claims that he is the superior android, but complains about his treatment by the colonists. Soong tells them that they are identical apart from minor variations in programming, which causes Data to repeatedly state that he is not the inferior android. Soong apologises that he did not have sufficient access to Lore to rectify his faults.

Soong tells the two 'brothers' to apologize and make up, while he goes to rest, prior to implanting the chip. On the Enterprise the crew rig tricorders together to form an override net into the computer so they can return to the surface, recover Data and unlock the Enterprise systems.

Soong later implants the chip. When his android begins to mock him in a familiar manner he realises that he has implanted the chip into Lore, who had switched clothes. He warns Lore that the chip wasn't designed for him, but Lore hits Dr. Soong and beams back to his ship. Moments later an away team from the Enterprise arrives and discovers the scene. They re-activate Data, who tells them that Lore over-powered him, and let Data speak to the dying Soong, who apologizes. Commander Riker asks Data to return control of the Enterprise, but Data is puzzled by the request as he did not remember his actions before arriving on the planet. Soong tells him to access his third nested memory circuit, which allows Data to access his memory. As Soong dies, Data apologises to Soong that he will not be able to grieve for his father, but Soong is certain that Data will, in his own way.

The crew return to the ship, before setting off back to the starbase in time to save the critical patient. As Data watches the brothers play, he wonders how they can forgive each other so easily, and when told that this is what brothers do, Data is given food for thought.

[edit] Trivia

  • This is one of only two episodes of TNG to be written solely by series executive producer Rick Berman, the other being A Matter of Time.
  • This episode has Spiner playing three separate characters in one scene.
  • When Lore wakes after Soong mistakenly implants the fresh chip in him, Lore sings an unusual version of the Percy French poem Abdul Abulbul Amir[1]. Aptly, the poem seems to hint at flawed genius as well as bravery and fame.

[edit] External links