Brotherhood of Nod storyline

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This is the official Brotherhood of Nod storyline in the fictional Command & Conquer universe. The Nod story line does not match up because the GDI story line is considered to be canonical. Therefore, the events of Tiberian Dawn and Tiberian Sun will seem off.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Within the Soviet Union

Before Tiberian Dawn officially started Kane could be observed briefing Joseph Stalin on Allied military action. It is believed that the Brotherhood of Nod was operating within the Soviet Union, relying on the Soviet economy and military might to help establish a solid foundation for the Brotherhood. At the end of Red Alert, if played and won by the Soviets, Kane seizes control of the new nation, boldly proclaiming himself to be the future. This is also shown in Command and Conquer Renegade with pictures of Soviet tanks in the Temple of Nod, the soviet tanks shown are from Red Alert 2, the events of which are generally accepted to take place if the Allies win at the end of Red Alert 1.

[edit] Tiberian Dawn

Nod officially emerged in Tiberian Dawn as a religious movement that sought to unite the world under their banner. Their motto "Peace, Unity, Brotherhood" was true in two out of the three properties: those in Nod's ranks were like brothers (as long as one did not threaten the other's position of power within those ranks), and were united in their quest for Kane's vision. However, the Brotherhood's definition of 'peace' is somewhat misleading, in that Nod believes in "peace through power" (militarism) and not necessarily in mutual co-operation (pacifism).

The Brotherhood got an early financial boost when they burst onto the world scene with the only means of harvesting Tiberium, giving them lots of sway in international markets. Back then, the group was considered just another revolutionary movement with big ideas and no muscle, but when a scandal broke involving the Brotherhood and several arms dealers, it rapidly became apparent that the group had grander ambitions. It wasn't until the peoples of Africa and Europe heeded Nod's call and began mounting serious protests against their governments, however, that the United Nations and its affiliates began to realize the full extent of Nod's aspirations. Despite swift moves to undermine Nod's support and funding, GDI soon found itself embroiled in a global conflict with the Brotherhood, with nothing less at stake than the control of the world.

Nod's campaign against GDI relied heavily on popular support and inside sources in the UN. The Brotherhood was, thanks to their clever manipulation of the media, able to depict GDI as a military organization hellbent on imperialism and the oppression of the masses, while Nod was a benevolent liberator with everyone's best interest at heart. When Beoulistock (Białystok), a European town situated between GDI and Nod front lines, appeared to be the next point of conflict, GDI took it upon itself to evacuate the town in an effort to prevent civilian deaths. Greg Burdette, a world-renowned news reporter, accompanied the GDI forces on the rescue mission, but instead of airing the footage he shot, took it to Kane, who modified it to seem like GDI had slaughtered the townsfolk. The resulting public backslash forced the UN to shut GDI down and call its highest ranking officials to hearings. Nod consequently eliminated the remaining GDI forces in Africa and hijacked GDI's Ion Cannon, which Nod used to even greater PR effect against civilian targets.

[edit] Tiberian Sun

In Tiberian Sun Nod forces are revealed to have lost the war, and to make matters worse the Brotherhood had splintered into several groups, each with its own agenda and each claiming to be the rightful heir to Kane's vision. In an effort to keep the Brotherhood from reuniting GDI had infiltrated several spies into the group, among them a general named Hassan, whose Nod following was among the largest of the splintered groups.

At the start of the Second Tiberium War Hassan had planned to execute General Anton Slavik, a loyal Brotherhood follower with a ruthless reputation and the commander of Nod’s elite Black Hand unit, for conspiring with GDI forces; however, the execution was short stopped by a small team of Black Hand operatives loyal to Slavik. Led by Oxanna Kristos, the team executed a daring raid to free Slavik from Hassan’s followers before escaping aboard the Montauk. At this point Slavik’s group begins a campaign against Hassan’s group to reunite the Brotherhood under Kane’s vision and leadership. Ultimately, Hassan became pinned down inside his command pyramid, where he was captured by Slavik’s men and brought before the loyal Brotherhood followers to be executed for conspiring with GDI forces with Kane resurfacing at this event.

Nod, now reunited and under Kane's leadership for the first time in thirty years, NOD began pushing against GDI forces in an effort to beat GDI and complete the tasks they set out to achieve in First Tiberium War. The first stop for Nod forces was Sarajevo. GDI forces had established bases in the region and had been excavating the old Temple of Nod since the end of the last war in an effort to obtain and analyse Nod’s technology. Nod forces were directed to eliminate the GDI presence in the region and secure the Tacitus, which was contained aboard an alien ship.

When Slavik arrived at the facility he discovered that General Vega, the Nod commander in charge of Brotherhood activities in South America, had taken the ship to South America prior to Slavik's arrival, but had crashed the vessel somewhere in Central America. Slavik’s forces discovered that not only had Vega been unable to secure the ship, he had stolen several of the ships artifacts, notably the Tacitius. Surveillance cameras suggested that Umagon, a mutant warrior, had the Tacitus, and Kane ordered Slavik in to the camps of the forgotten to capture Umagon and the Tacitus, and by capturing and using resources at a GDI base in the region Nod accomplished these goals while pinning the blame on GDI at the same time. The capture of Umagon also led Nod forces to a facility that had supposedly developed a serum for reversing Tiberium poisoning, which Kane ordered Slavik to destroy.

However, the intelligence on the facility turned out to be less than reliable, and resulted in the capture of Slavik, Oxanna, the Montauk crew, and the Montauk itself. GDI forces were set to interrogate Slavik when his Black Hand operatives launched a surgical strike to free him and Oxanna, who were both subsequently evacuated aboard a GDI Orca Transport. Slavik’s capture resulted in a minor loss of faith in him from the inner circle of the Brotherhood of Nod, but Kane gave Slavik a chance to redeem himself by handing him control of the Brotherhood’s newly created Tiberium Missile program, designed to use tiberium veins to create a chemical missile for use against GDI. Slavik took control of the program and used the opportunity to wipe out the GDI forces in the region.

It was about this time that Nod forces began planning their final thrust against GDI, a thrust which began with the capture of Jake McNeil, the brother of GDI commander Michael McNeil. Jake was brought to a Nod interrogation facility and offered power and divination (among other things) in exchange for his help in breaching the defenses of Hammerfest Base, which were supposedly perfect, according to CABAL. Jake carried out his mission to bring down the firestorm defenses protecting the region and allowing Nod forces to infiltrate Hammerfest. Here, Nod forces deployed three ICBMs mounted onto truck launchers, which Nod used to destroy GDI’s space station Philadelphia. After taking out Philadelphia Nod forces launched Kane’s World Altering Missile, which terraformed the entire planet, transforming it into an endless sea of Tiberium. Moments before the Earth is transformed, we would see Kane illuminate and disappear into nothing, or, as some suggest, teleport somewhere. This asked a very important question: Who or what is Kane?

[edit] Firestorm

Firestorm starts with Slavik arguing with the inner circle of the Brotherhood over leadership issues now that Kane has disappeared. Slavik orders his men to recapture CABAL, a move which he believes will help reunite Nod while at the same time allowing Nod to compete with GDI. Slavik's men recover the device, but after CABALs reactivation the computer seizes control of all Nod cyborg units, and assassinates the inner circle members. Slavik, who alone managed to escape the death that claimed the other generals, orders all Nod forces to evacuate from CABAL's cyborgs. Slavik assists in this evacuation by maneuvering the Montauk to a Nod installation and recovering the survivors. Slavik then orders a surgical strike against a massive GDI air force base to recover an EVA unit, which is reprogrammed to assist Nod forces.

Unable to beat CABAL on his own, Slavik approaches GDI general Cortez with a cease-fire offer so that they can work together against CABAL. GDI agrees, and both sides begin attacking CABALs auxiliary bases, in Nod's case a Tiberium harvesting facility and civilian settlement. With CABALs auxiliary bases down Nod forces deploy members of the elite cadre to clear out a partolling CABAL cyborg team before establishing a base and launching an offensive against CABAL. Ultimately, Nod forces were able to destroy the CABAL Core, thus eliminating CABAL as a credible threat to the Brotherhood.

This, however, was not the end. CABAL's face was once again displayed on a screen within a room, overseeing several human bodies hooked up to life support systems and in cryogenic sleep, one which looked like Kane...

[edit] Tiberium Wars

Nod has become a legitimate superpower with nuclear capabilities. They begin the Third Tiberium War by launching a nuclear missile strike at the GDI Orbital Command Center, the Philadelphia. The Nod Commander is dispatched to take the White House and nearby air force bases, then the port at Hampton Roads to enable landing of additional reinforcements before finally surrounding and destroying a concentration of GDI forces. When the Nod Commander finishes and is transferred out of the area, the GDI Commander retakes these areas. The GDI Commander's operations in Egypt have destroyed Nod's nuclear capabilities and also a secret lab where Kane was developing a liquid tiberium device. The Nod Commander goes to the Amazon where a backup lab has finished the device and defeats a GDI attempt to destroy the lab. The Nod Commander then successfully smuggles the device out of South America by seizing airfields and destroying a cordon of GDI artilery defences. The air transport carrying the liquid tiberium device is shot down by GDI forces near the Nod Temple in Sarajevo but the device survives intact. The Nod commander escorts the device to the Temple Prime in Sarajevo which is besieged by GDI forces, and breaks the siege long enough for the device to be completed. Kane sets up the device while the Nod Commander is then transferred to aid Killian's Nod forces in Australia. After the Nod Commander's arrival in Australia, Killian informs the Brotherhood that the Temple in Sarajevo was destroyed by a GDI ion cannon attack with enormous casualties, and that Kane is presumed dead. Killian sets up her HQ at Ayer's Rock in the Australian Outback as Kane's successor. Her first mission has the Nod Commander capture a GDI convoy carrying the GDI nuclear arsenal in Australia, restoring Nod's nuclear capability which had earlier been destroyed by the GDI Commander. The Scrin make planetfall during the convoy attack and begin attacking everyone. Killian forms a temporary ceasefire and alliance with GDI. The Nod Commander destroys critical Scrin structures while the Scrin attack GDI forces in Sydney, and takes the opportunity to steal GDI nuclear launch codes for the warheads Nod has captured. The GDI forces look to repel the Scrin but a new directive from a secret source sends the Nod Commander to destroy the local ion cannon control station. Without the protection of the ion cannons, the GDI forces are forced to fall back and abandon Sydney. During the evacuation, Killian tells the Nod Commander to aid the GDI civilian evacuation, but then Kane returns and denounces Killian as a traitor. The Nod forces turn on GDI with a nuclear strike and GDI forces in Sydney are wiped out. The Nod Commander as a Kane loyalist then proceeds to seize Killian's HQ at Ayer's Rock, defeating a GDI attempt to capitalize on the Nod infighting. Kane then "deals" with Killian, and reveals that he had wanted GDI to use the ion cannon on the Sarajevo Temple as it was the only powerful enough trigger for his liquid tiberium explosive. Kane reveals he had known the Scrin would be attracted by a sufficiently powerful liquid tiberium explosion and that the purpose of the device was not to be used against GDI but to create such a blast to attract the Scrin to Earth. Kane sends the Nod Commander to the Italy Red Zone to protect a lab against the Scrin. The lab is working on the catalyst missile which was developed in anticipation of having to deal with the Scrin. The Nod Commander then causes chaos between fighting Scrin and GDI forces, and slows the GDI's counterattack against the Scrin long enough for Nod forces to seize a Scrin base and gain access codes to one of the towers the Scrin are attempting to build around the world. GDI forces are more successful elsewhere around the world, inspired by the example of the GDI Commander, and are destroying the Scrin towers before they can be completed and become impervious to attack. The Nod Commander goes to one of the few remaining towers that is closest to completion in central Italy, defeats the GDI assault on the tower, and takes the completed Scrin tower. After finishing the campaign, Kane's ultimate goal becomes revealed, harnessing the power of the Visitors technology, and using it to control the Universe.