Brother-Captain Tycho

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Brother-Captain Erasmus Tycho is a deceased character from the fictional Warhammer 40,000 universe. Before his death, Tycho was an officer in the Blood Angels chapter of Space Marines. When fighting against the Orks during the Second War for Armageddon Tycho's face was permanently disfigured by a psychic attack, despite the best efforts of the chapter's medics. The Blood Angels were always noted for their vanity and the psychological damage done to Tycho by his disfigurement was significant. He wore a mask to hide the scars; he became more bloodthirsty and drew closer to the Red Thirst: he was restless when not on duty and ferocious when he was.

[edit] Death

Tycho always bore a deep grudge against the Orks for his condition, and sought every opportunity to damage them in battle. He became feared by them, but eventually fell to them during the Third War for Armageddon, in which he led the Third Company of Blood Angels against the Orks. During the war, he fell to the Black Rage and was inducted into the Death Company, in accordance with the tradition of the Blood Angels. He led the Forlorn Hope against the breach in Hive Tempestora's defensive wall, fighting with a fury unknown to even the hardest veterans amongst his chapter. Although he fell to the Orkish warriors, his mighty deeds led to the Blood Angels' success in taking the position.

Some fans believe he survived to fight on with the Blood Angels, given the honour of piloting a Dreadnought, although the "Tycho Dreadnought" conversion featured on the GW Website was a non-canonical conversion project made for an employee's personal army, and not an official part of the background.

[edit] Extra Facts

Tycho appeared in the first battle report for the second edition of Warhammer 40,000 in which the Blood Angels player named his general Tycho. Tycho was armed with his now trademark weapons of a Bolter-Meltagun and the digi-lasers in the gauntlet on his left hand. During the course of the battle Tycho succumbed to a psychic blast from an Ork Weirdboy, and in game-terms "killed". This was later incorporated into the characters background, as him having survived the attack grievously wounded. Tycho's special rules concerning his hate for Orks make him a good HQ choice for Blood angels players when fighting Orks.

[edit] References

  • Thorpe, Gav (2001). Warhammer 40,000 Codex: Blood Angels. Nottingham: Games Workshop. ISBN 1-869893-45-X.