Brooks Observatory

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For the observatory in Mount Pleasant, Michigan, see Brooks Astronomical Observatory

Brooks Observatory
Organization University of Toledo
Coordinates _ 40_ _N_ _ 83_ _W_ 41 ° 40′ ″N, ° 83′ ″W
Altitude meters (feet)
Webpage [1]
Unnamed Telescope Unknown size reflector

Brooks Observatory is an astronomical observatory owned and operated by University of Toledo. It is located in Toledo, Ohio (USA). It is located in Mcmaster Hall, on the 6th floor.

The next building over, Ritter, is home to the Ritter Observatory, as well as the Ritter Planetarium. The Ritter Astrophysical Observatory, is located on the 5th floor, and includes a 1-meter telescope.

[edit] See also

[edit] Reference

  1. Homepage. Ritter Planetarium and Brooks Observatory. Retrieved on December 15, 2005.
  2. Homepage. Ritter Astrophysical Research Center. Retrieved on February 6, 2007.

[edit] External Links