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Bromoethane Bromoethane
Other names Ethyl bromide
Molecular formula C2H5Br
Molar mass 108.97 g/mol
Appearance Colourless liquid
CAS number [74-96-4]
Density and phase 1.47 g/cm3, liquid
Solubility in water 0.91 g/100 ml (20 °C)
Melting point −119 °C (154 K)
Boiling point 38.4 °C
Viscosity 0.402 cP at 20 °C
Dipole moment  ? D
MSDS External MSDS
EU classification Flammable (F)
Carc. Cat. 3
Harmful (Xn)
NFPA 704

R-phrases R11, R20/22, R40
S-phrases S2, S36/37
Flash point −20 °C
Autoignition temperature 511 °C
Explosive limits 6.8–11%
RTECS number KH6475000
Supplementary data page
Structure and
n, εr, etc.
Phase behaviour
Solid, liquid, gas
Spectral data UV, IR, NMR, MS
Related compounds
Related haloalkanes bromomethane
Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state (at 25 °C, 100 kPa)
Infobox disclaimer and references

Bromoethane, also known as ethyl bromide is a chemical compound of the haloalkanes group. It is abbreviated by chemists as EtBr. This volatile compound has an ether-like odour.


[edit] Synthesis

The preparation of EtBr stands as a model for the synthesis of alkyl bromides in general. It is usually prepared by the addition of HBr to ethylene:

H2C=CH2 + HBr → H3C-CH2Br

Ethyl bromide is inexpensive and would rarely be prepared in the laboratory. Convenient laboratory syntheses include the action of phosphorus tribromide or thionyl bromide on ethanol. EtBr forms when ethanol is treated with HBr or hydrobromic acid, although this reaction also affords diethylether.

[edit] Uses

In organic synthesis, EtBr is used as a source of "ethyl+", although such a cation is not actually formed. For example, carboxylates salts are converted to ethyl esters, carbanions to ethylated derivatives, thiourea into ethylisothiouronium salts, and amines into ethylamines.

Being a liquid at room temperature but still very volatile, EtBr is an inexpensive reagent for the preparation of Grignard reagents, which traditionally were used as strong base. Thus EtMgBr deprotonates acetylenes:

EtBr + Mg → EtMgBr
RC≡CH + EtMgBr → RC≡CMgBr + EtH

This application has been supplanted by the wide availability of organolithium reagents.

[edit] Safety

Halocarbons in general are potentially dangerous alkylating agents. Bromides are more superior alkylating agents than chlorides, thus exposure to EtBr should be minimized. EtBr is classified by the State of California as cancinogenic and a reproductive toxin.

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. Petit, Y.; Larchevêque, M. "Ethyl Glycidate from (S)-Serine: Ethyl (R)-(+)-2,3-Epoxypropanoate" Organic Syntheses, Volume 75, page 37 (Collective Volume 10, page 401).
  2. Taniguchi, H.; Mathai, I. M.; Miller, S. I. "1-Phenyl-1,4-Pentadiyne and 1-Phenyl-1,3-Pentadiyne" Organic Syntheses, Volume 50, page 97 (Collective Volume 6, page 925).
  3. Makosza, M.; Jonczyk, A. "Phase-Transfer Alkylation of Nitriles: 2-Phenylbutyronitrile" Organic Syntheses, Volume 55, page 91 (Collective Volume 6, page 897).
  4. A. J. Quillinan, A. J.; Scheinmann, F. "3-Alkyl-1-alkynes Synthesis: 3-Ethyle-1-hexyne" Organic Syntheses Volume 58, page 1 (Collective Volume 6, page 595).
  5. Newman, M. S.; Stalick, W. M. "1-Ethoxy-1-butyne" Organic Syntheses Volume 57, page 65 (Collective Volume 6, page 564).
  6. Brasen, W. R; Hauser, C. R. "o-Methylethylbenzyl Alcohol" Organic Syntheses Volume 34, page 58 (Collective Volume 4, page 582).
  7. E. Brand, E.; Brand, F. C. "Guanidodacetic Acid" Organic Syntheses Volume 22, page 59 (Collective Volume 3, page 440).
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