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The word 'Broadacre' is an Australian term used to describe land suitable for farms practicing large-scale cropping operations. The key cropping segments in this category are as follows:

   * Oilseeds - Canola, sunflowers
   * Winter and summer cereals - Wheat, barley, oats, triticale, sorghum, maize, millets
   * Pulses - Lupins, chickpeas, faba beans, field peas, mung beans, soybeans, lentils
   * Sugar cane
   * Rice

Within Australia today, these crops are farmed across more than 20 million hectares.

Broadacre is defined also as land parcels greater than 0.4 hectare and certain land-use criteria for all government land designated for release and future urban zoned land.

[edit] References

Advances in broadacre. Baulkham Hills, N.S.W.: Rhone-Poulenc, 1999.

Analysis of broadacre land in the Adelaide and Outer Adelaide Statistical Divisions: cadastre and land information as at June 30 1999, state government land for release as at June 30, 2000 / D.J. Burrows and I. McQueen. 2001.

Analysis of broadacre land in the Adelaide and Outer Adelaide Statistical Divisions: cadastre and land information as at June 30 2001, state government land for release as at September 30 2001 / D.J. Burrows and I. McQueen. 2001.

Analysis of broadacre land in the Adelaide and Outer Adelaide Statistical Divisions: cadastre and land information as at June 30 2003, state government land for release as at 17 January 2004 / Debbie J. Burrows and I. McQueen. 2004.

Analysis of broadacre land in the Adelaide Statistical Division : cadastre and land information.

Australian broadacre agriculture: forecasting supply at the farm level / Philip Kokic [et al.]. 1993.

Bark residue as a soil amendment in broadacre intensive vegetable production / Frank Hay. c2004.

Broadacre farming equipment / Department of Trade and Resources. Australia. Dept. of Trade and Resources. 1979.

Broadacre organic newsletter.

Broadacre tree planting at Monarto: interim report / submitted to the Monarto Development Commission by the Resource and Environment Consultant Group of the Department of Forestry, Australian National University. Australian National University. [1975]

Costs and returns to Australian broadacre enterprises / ABARE Research Resource Group. c1990.

Current recommended practice : a directory for broadacre dryland agriculture / Craig Clifton [et al.]. 2004.

Development of sustainable systems of broadacre cropping through the use of green manure crops / research organisation Peter E. Ridge & Associates.

Draft amendment no. 14 (Broadacre areas) to the national capital plan. Report of the Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories. Australia. Parliament. c1995.

EMABA: Econometric Model of Australian Broadacre Agriculture / Joe Dewbre [et al.]. 1985.

Financial performance of Australian broadacre agriculture: a report for the Rural Adjustment Review Committee by Australasian Agribusiness Services Pty. Ltd. 1997.

Financial performance of broadacre agriculture: developing a vibrant industry. [1997]

Herbicide registrations: The paddock spray guide: a technical guide to herbicide use in Western Australian broadacre agriculture / compiled and edited by Vanessa Stewart, John Moore. c2004.

Impact on Australian broadacre agriculture of widespread adoption of organic farming / Els Wynen. Wynen, Els. c1997.

Importance of soil movement by water on broadacre cropland in Victoria / by Frank Gibbons, Warwick Papst and John Patterson with Craig Ewers. Gibbons, Frank R. 1988.

Inquiry into draft amendment no. 14 (Broadacre areas) to the National Capital plan: transcripts of evidence and submissions presented to the Committee. Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories. Australia. Parliament. 1995.

Insect pests of broadacre farming / [by officers of the Entomology Branch]. 1987.

Mapping spatial trends in broadacre productivity / Lisa Chapman, Christopher Toyne and Arthur Ha, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics. [2000]

Massey-Ferguson 128-5 trailed broadacre scarifier instruction book. [195-?]

Models of supply response in Australian broadacre industries : a survey by Anne M. Garnett and Philip E.T. Lewis.