Brisbane Powerhouse
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Brisbane Powerhouse is a performing arts and cultural venue located in the Brisbane suburb of New Farm, Queensland, Australia. It is located on the northern bank of the Brisbane River and has been constructed in a decommissioned power station. The Brisbane Powerhouse offers an eclectic program of live theatre, music, comedy and visual arts.
The original New Farm powerhouse, designed by Architect Roy Rusden Ogg and commissioned by the newly formed Greater Brisbane City Council, went into service as the first council-operated power station built in Brisbane in June 1928. Earlier powerstations in Brisbane had been operated by private companies. The New Farm powerhouse supplied electricity for the whole tramway network, as well as power and lighting loads for the suburbs of Yeerongpilly, Toowong and Ithaca. As Brisbane grew more suburbs drew their electrical power from the powerhouse. The commercial areas and older suburbs of Brisbane drew their electricity from a private power generating company called the City Electric and Light Company, whose powerhouses were located on the Bulimba Reach of the Brisbane River. In 1963 the City Council sold the New Farm powerhouse to the Southern Electrical Authority.
Following a change in Council transport policy in 1967 the tram system was converted to bus operation and the last tram in Brisbane finally operated on 13 April 1969. The powerhouse was decommissioned in 1971 becoming derelict. For approximately 20 years the building was used as a chemical store by the Queensland Government and it was also used by the Australian Defence Force in military exercises.
The building was also used by homeless people for shelter and by street kids for parties and gatherings, with some leaving reminders of themselves; dates, words, their names and art on the walls of the building. These elements contribute to its being such a unique place that photographers and film makers similarly made use of the deserted space filming both commercial and artistic works over the period.
The building comprises three sections, the boiler house, switch house and the turbine room. Apart from the partial demolition of the Boiler Room in 1984 almost the whole building remained intact. The building was constructed in stages, externally from load bearing masonry. Through a programme of land exchange in 1989 the Brisbane City Council was able to re-acquire the building. The adaptation potential to reuse the existing structures without detracting from the cultural significance was recognized and architect Peter Roy was commissioned to create an arts venue from the site. Roy and his team made adjustments such as removed parts of walls, replaced the Turbine Hall roof that had deteriorated and created more defined interior spaces generating another evident phase in the Powerhouse’s history. Original elements such as materials from the eastern wall that was heavily damaged were utilized in other parts of the building. A gantry crane and switch from its power station days and graffiti remain intact. The refurbished building was opened in 2000 with additions that appropriate the 1920’s building with today’s culture.
The Powerhouse is now multi purpose centre for the arts, housing the 425 seat Powerhouse Theatre, the 200 seat Visy theatre, Turbine Hall, outdoor plaza, green spaces, rooftop terrace, bar, restaurant and plays host to weekend farmers' markets. It continues to commission and develop projects in all areas of the visual and performing arts as well as provide workshops for children and the community.