Brigade de recherche et d'intervention

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Logo of the BRI
Logo of the BRI

The Brigade de Recherche et d'Intervention (Research and Intervention Brigade, BRI), often called "Anti-Gang Brigade", is an elite police special unit of the French Ministry of the Interior (Ministère de l'Intérieur).

It is specialised in very serious cases of banditism, or hostage kidnappings. It typically attempts to catch offenders on the act, after monitoring their activities for some time.

The unit has very modern equipment and is also in charge of collecting and archiving data about banditry.

[edit] Trivia

[edit] See also

  • Brigade de répression du banditisme
  • Brigade Régionale d'Enquête et de Coordination
  • Unité de coordination de la lutte antiterroriste
  • Service de protection des hautes personnalités
  • Unité mobile d'intervention et de protection de la Préfecture de Police

[edit] External links

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