Brian Sussman

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Brian Sussman is a conservative commentator on the San Francisco radio station KSFO.

Sussman is possibly best known in the San Francisco area as the former weatherman at CBS station KPIX during the evening newscast. During his tenure at KPIX, he also anchored the weekly segment Brian's Kids for the noon newscast, which highlighted a local child in need of adoption. Sussman himself is an adoptive father of several children. He left the station in 2000, shortly after the retirement of longtime anchor and local personality Dave McElhatton to start his talk radio career on the KSFO program Right Thinking from the Left Coast. He returned to KPIX temporarily in 2001 as the 11pm weatherman but left after a contract dispute.

He hosts his own show weekdays from 6pm to 8pm on KSFO which is a conservative talk radio show. In addition to radio, Sussman is a successful businessman and claims to have no aspirations to take his show national.

[edit] Controversy and criticism

  • On Oct 19, 2005 Mr Sussman took a call on his radio show from a listener who regularly tried to get on the program under a variety of aliases. On this particular evening the caller was "Waqeen", an Arab, formerly from East Germany. Not falling for his gimmick, Brian asked if the man was Muslim:
 Brian Sussman: "Why don't you say, why don't you just right now say Allah is a whore
                and that'll prove it to me."
 Caller: "Allah.. I would not say that because who am I not, who am I to say
 Brian Sussman: "Say Allah is a whore. That'll prove to me that you are not an Islamist."
 Caller: "I am not (unclear) an Islamist. No I do not believe in religion.
 Brian Sussman: "Prove to me that you are not a Muslim, say that you love eating pig.

Mr. Sussman immediately gave a thorough apology for his "ridiculous and insensitive comments".

Brian Sussman has referred to Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) as an "Halfrican" and continued to assert that the Senator could not call himself African-American because he was not the descendant of slaves. [1]

  • Sussman strongly supported Harriet Miers in her unsuccessful attempt to become a Supreme Court justice.
  • Although Sussman is a former meteorologist, he continues to campaign that Anthropogenic Global Warming is a hoax.[2]

[edit] External Links