The Great War: Breakthroughs

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The Great War: Breakthroughs is the third and final installment of the Great War trilogy in the Timeline-191 series of alternate history novels by Harry Turtledove.

[edit] Plot summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

In 1917, the Great War has proved costly for both the United States and Confederate States. After the seemingly endless stalemate that had been the first two years of war, the U.S. began to slowly gain an advantage.

The Barrel Roll Offensive proved to be a decisive move by U.S. forces, as weak Confederate lines were unable to resist George Custer's advance towards Nashville. In the east, the U.S. was finally able to take back Washington D.C. from Rebel forces, though leveling the city in the process.

The war in Europe was drawing to a close as Russia underwent the Red revolution, French soldiers rose in mutiny, and Great Britain was cut off from important food shipments from South America.

By late July 1917, the CSA was in such dire condition that the country was forced to ask for an armistice, losing much land and money to the USA. The states of Kentucky and Sequoyah (Oklahoma) were lost, as well as parts of Texas, Arkansas, Sonora, and Virginia.

One issue would remain unresolved as a Confederate submarine torpedoed and sunk a U.S. destroyer after the U.S.-C.S. armistice was granted.