Brezová pod Bradlom

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Image:Erb br.jpg
Region (kraj) Trencin Region
District (okres) Myjava District
Location 48°39′50″N, 17°32′23″E
Altitude 278 m
Population 5,567 (as of 2002)
Area 41.08 km²
Time Zone
• Summer DST
Telephone prefix +421-34
Postal code 90613
Car registration plate MY
Brezová location map

Brezová pod Bradlom is a town in the Myjava District, Trenčín Region in northwestern Slovakia.

[edit] History

The first written record about surroundings of this town was in 1263. The beginnings of permanent settlement were in 15th and in the first half of 16th century. It has town status since 1966.

[edit] Sights

The monument of M. R. Štefánik is located on the Bradlo hill, approximately 3 km from the town by road.

[edit] External links

edit Municipalities of Myjava District Flag of Slovakia

Brezová pod Bradlom | Myjava
Brestovec | Bukovec | Hrašné | Chvojnica | Jablonka | Kostolné | Košariská | Krajné | Podkylava | Polianka | Poriadie | Priepasné | Rudník | Stará Myjava | Vrbovce