Breath of Fire (video game)

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Breath of Fire
US box of Breath of Fire.
Developer(s) Capcom
Publisher(s) Capcom, Squaresoft
Release date(s) Super Nintendo
JPN April 3, 1993
NA 1994
Game Boy Advance
JPN July 6, 2001
NA December 13, 2001
EU December 14, 2001
Genre(s) Role-playing game
Mode(s) Single player
Rating(s) ESRB: E (Everyone) (GBA version)
Platform(s) SNES, Game Boy Advance
Media 12-megabit Cartridge

Breath of Fire (ブレスオブファイア Buresu obu Faia?) is the first role-playing game in the Breath of Fire series. It was originally released for the Super NES in Japan in 1993 by Capcom, and was later brought to North America in 1994 by Squaresoft (now Square Enix). It was later re-released for the Game Boy Advance worldwide, this time by Capcom themselves.


[edit] Story

There are several Dragon Families. At their peak, a goddess of Desire appeared and granted them wishes. She encouraged them to fight amongst each other and the war between the dragons escalated. She was locked up by a warrior and his 7 companions with the Goddess Keys which were scattered throughout the world. The Light Dragon family was able to balance the power. However, the Light Dragons eventually renounced the Dragons and lost their abilities.

The game starts with Ryu (the protagonist of the game) being given a message by a dragon in his sleep, warning him to escape the burning second story of his house. It is revealed that under the rule of the Emperor Zog, the Dark Dragon family gathered the goddess keys, and attacked the village of the Light Dragons where Ryu lives. They did this, not realizing that the Light Dragons had renounced the dragons and were now in no position to oppose the Dark Dragon family. Sarah turns the villagers into stone for their protection, and surrenders herself to the Dark Dragons. She fights off her captors, and duels with Jade until it becomes clear that she cannot defeat him.

After Sarah's defeat, Ryu leaves the village, and reaches the neighboring kingdom of Camlen, which has been attacked by the Dark Dragons. Ryu defeats the monsters inside the castle, including a giant frog that is the game's first boss. After liberating the castle, he discovers that Nanai has an earthquake device, and sneaks into Nanai to stop it. Ryu fights his way through the caverns below the city, and kills an enemy knight who is protecting the device, and the E. Key. Unfortunately, Nanai is destroyed in the process. Ryu heads on to Winlan.

Upon entering Winlan's Castle, Ryu requests an audience with the King. However, the King was poisoned by a letter sent by a Wizard of the Dark Dragons. Fearing that word of the King's poisoned body will spread, Ryu is informed that the King is not in the castle and offered a bed in a guest-room, which he takes. Princess Nina leaves Winlan in search of Remedy to cure father, the king's poisoned body. However upon reaching the Aura, Cave she is stopped by a pair of guards who are guarding the cave, and is refused entrance unless she takes them in escort, which she does.

Nina, with her newfound escorts, passes on to Karma, and while she and her escorts pass through the forest and defeat the Wizard's guardians (including two grim reaper-esque spirits), the basement that serves as the wizard's inner sanctum contains Xeon gas. The gas and the Wizard's spells kill one soldier, weaken Nina to the point of capture, and force the second soldier to retreat to Windia, where he informs the guards of the situation before dying of his wounds. Ryu is asked to rescue the princess, and flies in with a soldier of Windia while other Windians distract the Wizard's air force of dragon-like creatures. The soldier accompanies Ryu to the entrance of the basement, and Ryu defeats the Wizard; he, being a Dragon Tribe member, is immune to the gas's effects.

Ryu returns to the castle with Nina, and cures the King. The King opens the bridge to the east, and Nina agrees to accompany Ryu. Ryu then proceeds to the towns of Tantar and Tuntar, located on opposite sides of a dry river; Tantar being populated by Forest Tribesmen, and Tuntar being populated by humans. A feud has erupted between the two leaders, with Tuntar's leader demanding an artifact known as the Ring to be given to the Dark Dragons in exchange for removing a water blockade, a request that many believe casts suspicion on him. Ryu and Nina make their way to the nearby Forest of Despair, cutting down a tree with a saw, and discover that there is a Dark Dragon base inside. They defeat the human and non-human protectors of the base, and rescue Tuntar's chief, who had been held prisoner inside, but discover that the "chief" is a Dark Dragon general in disguise, and are trapped with a two-headed monster known as Pog. Pog is defeated, and a Forest Tribesman hunter named Bo frees them and helps them defeat the General.

Ryu and his companions make their way to Romero, which Nina had previously passed. Romero has many zombie villagers, and needs the water of the Cleansing Water Cave to ameliorate this situation. Ryu procures some of the water, and brings it to the village to give the undead final rest. Ryu obtains a Slab from the Mayor of Romero, and uses it to enter the levitating fortress of Agua. Ryu and his companions defeat the guardian Wisp, and receive one of the Goddess Keys, the KngKey, for their victory.

Ryu and his companions return to the region north of Tantar and Tuntar, finding a Stone Robot. The Robot, however, is infested with monsters, and Ryu must once again fight a Dark Dragon general, this time to secure the controls. The Robot, however, is useful in clearing the blockade of the river with a powerful laser type weapon, and allowing Ryu and his companions access to the Ring Cave.

After the return of the ring, Terry, a Forest Tribesman, and Amelia, a human woman, have their wedding in Tantar. The General then takes control of the Stone Robot and destroys the town of Tuntar, which is unoccupied due to its citizens attending the wedding. The General attempts to destroy Tantar as well, but the robot refuses to comply, as it knows the act to be evil. Ryu and his companions enter the Robot once again, and defeat the General, who has turned into a Gremlin; a large, strong, green demon. After the battle, the Robot walks to a volcano south of the towns and, after discharging Ryu's party, sinks into the lava in order to avoid being used for human purposes, in a scene reminiscent of Terminator 2: Judgment Day's finale.

Ryu continues south with his companions, and reaches Auria, a city that is almost entirely made of gold. However, in Auria, they are feared as thieves, and are thrown into prison. A lazy thief (later revealed to be Karn) helps them to escape, but stays in his cell. Ryu discovers that it is perpetually daytime in this city, and that a rich man's daughter has locked herself in the safe, which only a skilled thief can open. Ryu's party journeys through the Bleak Cave under the mountains to the town of Bleak. The opposite holds true in Bleak; the town is entirely dark, and thieves and con men attempt to profit off of Ryu and his companions.

Ryu and his companions reach the desert aided by the Icicle, and the town of Arad. After defeating a Sand Worm that is devouring the town's goats, the party receives a Fife, and enters the Krypt. The guardian of the crypt, EyeSpy, inadvertently reveals that someone else arrived before Ryu's group, before it attacks and is defeated by Ryu's party. When Ryu's group triggers a flood trap in a treasure room, that intruder arrives, and reveals that he is Karn. He agrees to help them in exchange for finding a Book for master thieves. Upon finding the book (humorously enough, it says that if the person found it, he or she is a master thief already), Karn accompanies the party to the Tower of Darkness near Bleak. The guardian spirit, Cloud, reveals that someone has already stolen the Light Key, and attacks the party. The party obtains the Dark Key and a relic called the Mirror, and restores day to Bleak. The party then reaches Ross's house in Auria, and finds his daughter in the safe. She explains that she locked herself in the safe because she is upset that her father is going to give the Dark Dragons the Light Key. The party, however, convinces Ross to give them the Light Key, and loan them his ship, by using the Mirror to allow him to speak with his deceased wife, Alena.

Using the ship to cross the ocean, however, is another matter entirely. Dark Dragons are waiting at the dock, and even defeated, they manage to destroy the ship. Ryu and his party pass through caves to reach a Dark Dragon ship, defeating the defenders, including a Dark Dragon in the form of a giant squid. The vessel sets sail, but Dark Dragons intercept the vessel at sea. The boarding party forces the party to make a fighting retreat to the gunpowder room, where the commander transforms into a giant octopus and attacks. However, the gunpowder ignites, and the stolen ship and the Dark Dragon vessels are destroyed.

The party washes up on a desert island, and realizes that the only way to leave is to walk on the floor of the ocean. A Manillo merchant named Gobi heads to the underwater city of Prima to get some Gills so that the party can breathe underwater. In Prima, the player learned that Gobi was stripped of his license as a merchant for selling "happiness in a bottle," and must now deliver goods to Gant in order to gain the Gills. In Gant, most of the young people, hybrids of oxes and humans, are missing, having been captured by the Dark Dragons. Returning to Prima, Gobi learns of a barely alive escapee from the Dark Dragons, and of an evil spirit named Morteo that wishes to take him to the netherworld. Gobi takes the Gills to Ryu's party, which reaches Prima and defeats the powerful spirit.

Ox reveals that the people of Gant were taken hostage by the Dark Dragons; the men were forced to work on a new weapon, and the women were taken as hostages, presumably to force the cooperation of the men. The party, with Ox as a new member, raids a Dark Dragon mountain pass fortress, but learns that the weapon has already been taken to the nearly impenetrable Nabal castle. However, the party steals an egg from the GrimFowls, and throws it into the fortress, knowing that they will attack the castle's defenders, whom they believe to be the thieves. The party manages to defeat several Dark Dragon soldiers who transform into slimes and eventually fuse together, but the commander escapes with the weapon, a Torpedo, and plans to destroy Prima.

The party then seeks the assistance of Wisdon's sorceress. After moving through the catacombs beneath the town, the party enters the temple, and defeats the three spirits guarding the sorceress, Bleu. Bleu awakens from her long slumber, and advises the group to take an egg and drop it in a volcano so as to incubate it. The party does so, and when they return to Bleu, she accompanies them to help Prima. The Dark Dragon naval invasion arrives soon after they reach Prima, but the egg hatches, and the Typhoon Bug destroys most of the enemy fleet. The people of Prima engage the soldiers underwater, and Ryu and his party defeat the commander, who takes the form of a giant crab. He attempts to destroy Prima, but barely fails.

Meanwhile, Zog is taking notice, and Jade passes orders to his lieutenants; Cort, Mote, Cerl, and Goda, to defeat Ryu's party, and recover the Goddess Keys. At this point, Gobi also recovers his Sphere, allowing him to turn into a fish, and enabling Ryu's party to travel to the town of Gust. The people of the town all act very strangely due to the fumes that are blown south from a giant flower. The party investigates the north, and finds a Dark Dragon fortress. Fighting their way through the fortress, the party is momentarily delayed by Cort shrinking them, but finds the cure after helping some mice defeat hostile roaches. The party defeats a mutant in the back of the laboratory, but finds out that it is Nicholie, the bridge builder, who was transformed by Cort. The party's attacks result in his being severely wounded, and the party obtains oil from a G. Fly to cure him. The party heals him, and destroys the flower, freeing Gust from its poisons. After another transformation into a mutant, Nicholie agrees to help the party repair the bridge out of town. However, Cort, having turned himself into a giant horn toad, attacks the party.

The party reaches a town named Gramor, populated by mole people. One of them, Mogu, is trapped in his dreams, and the town asks them so that to obtain the Bolster from Tunlan to enter Mogu's dream. The party retrieves the Cowl from the citizens of that town, and the Maestro from Gust, as they need both to be able to communicate with the people of the town. The party then is involved in an attempt to prevent the Princess of Tunlan from turning over the kingdom's Time Key to the Dark Dragons. The attempt fails, and Cerl obtains the Key.

The party, however, obtains the Bolster Pillow, and enters Mogu's dream, encountering many of his emotions. A strange monster named Mothro holds sway over Mogu, and the party is unable to damage him. The party then decides to traverse the dangerous Gas Fields to reach Mogu's Courage. Once Mogu's Courage is convinced to help the group, the party attacks Mothro, chases him to the top of his tower, and defeats him, allowing Mogu to awaken.

The party moves on to the town of Spring, which is trapped in ice. The party climbs the Spyre Tower to attempt to solve this problem, but Mote awaits at the top, and sends them into his dream world. Mote seems invincible, but his Conscience helps the party defeat him, return to reality, and obtain the Sky Key, returning Spring's weather to normal, and allowing them to pass behind a waterfall.

The party reaches the town of Carmen and finds that, for most people, time has stopped. The party reaches the tower of Tock, and finds that this is Cerl's doing. Cerl, however, thwarts the party's attempts to stop her, and sends them into a portal using the Time Key. The hero makes it back to the village, and learns of a man named Alan who loves Cerl. However, his attempts to reason with her fail, and she wounds him before attacking the party in a half human, half-monster form, and sending them into a portal once again. She closes her mind, and seals herself within the fortress. The party learns from Alan that she was banished from the village because she was not human, and that she enjoyed the fruits of a nearby tree. The party brings the fruit, and a dejected Cerl, who believes that Alan will never forgive her, gives the party the TimeKey. Goda arrives to punish Cerl for her betrayal, but Cerl holds him off, allowing the party to escape. After the party escapes, Alan rushes into the fortress to save her. It then vanishes. Later on when the party returned to what used to be the fortress all that remains is two children (named Cerl and the other is unnamed, possibly Alan) playing with each other. It's assumed that this is a memory of Cerl's at a younger age.

The party returns to Tock and uses the TimeKey, but Nina is sucked through a portal. The party goes through and arrives in Tunlan, where they find an older Nina. The party manages to cure her amnesia, and learns that she is now able to fly. The party flies to Scande, and learns that the Dark Dragons are attempting to excavate Obelisk, a flying fortress. The party reaches the top of the tower, and confronts Zog himself, who turns into a massive, purple dragon. Zog is defeated, and the party falls into a hole.

The party encounters Sara herself in the hole, and finds the last of the Dragon Keys. The party turns over the keys, but learns that she has betrayed them, and now serves Jade. Jade declares himself emperor of the Dark Dragons, and leaves for Agua with Sara. The party pursues him there, and finds that he has raised the Goddess's resting place; twin towers with paths that weave between the two. Inside the tower, the party learns that Sara is under Jade's control, and is forced to fight with her. She dies, reassuring them that they did the right thing.

The party is ultimately too late to stop Jade from releasing the Goddess, and the force of his powers destroys the tower; the party is only saved through Sara's spiritual intervention. The party then tracks Jade and Tyr to the fortress of Obelisk, which by now has been excavated. The party deals with Goda, who has inexplicably survived the destruction of Cerl's fortress, then defeats Jade.

In the center of the fortress, the party finds the Tyr herself, who claims to be innocent when threatened by Ryu's party, but the party attacks her upon Sara's insisting that she is evil. The final battle begins.

The party ultimately defeats Tyr, and depending on the player's actions, receives one of two endings. The "bad" ending, obtained by not defeating Tyr with the Dragon Power Agni, shows the heroes expressing joy upon Tyr's defeat, oblivious to the fact that she will return. The "good" ending, obtained by using Agni to reveal Tyr's true form, shows Tyr vowing to return before vanishing, and Obelisk being destroyed. The hero receives congratulations from Sara and the Dragon Lord, and he and his companions return to their home towns to rebuild the world.

[edit] Game Boy Advance Version

Although the story remains the same, several gameplay changes were made to the Game Boy Advance port. These include:

  • The ability to dash, either automatically or by holding the B button, has been added.
  • The graphical battle and menu interfaces are replaced with text-based versions similar to those in Breath of Fire II.
  • Several short cutscenes have been added.

[edit] Playable characters

  • Ryu (リュウ) is related to a dragon clan and has blue hair. He can transform to dragon forms in combat, and on the world map, he can fish.
  • Nina (ニーナ) is a princess of Winlan and a member of the Clan of the Wing. She knows a wide variety of healing and buff spells. Later in the game, she can transform into a giant bird, greatly simplifying the travelling on the world map.
  • Bo ( ギリアム Gilliam in Japan), a hunter from the town of Tantar. He's an anthropomorphic wolf. He joins Ryu because they both have a common enemy. He knows some offensive spells, and on world map, he can hunt food and lead the party through woods.
  • Karn (ダンク Dunk or Dank in Japan), a crafty thief who can pick any lock and disarm any trap. He later learns that he belongs to a family whose blood line enables him to learn different ways to "fuse" with other characters into large monster forms.
  • Gobi (マニーロ Manillo in Japan), belongs to the Merchant Clan (商人族). He's an anthropomorphic, bipedal fish, master of underwater combat. He was expelled from his clan because he was considered too greedy even for his kind. Later, he can also transform to giant fish, able to transport the party through the seas quickly.
  • Bleu (ディース Deece or Deis in Japan) is an immortal with strong magical powers and a serpents tail, resembling a Naga. She was the sorceress that sealed Tyr many ages ago. Because she's been asleep for so many years, she has forgotten most of her spells and more often than not botches them up.
  • Ox ( ビルダーBuilder in Japan), an ox-man (as his name suggests) of the Iron Ogre Clan who is a very strong builder. He can smash some walls and other things. His clan was forced into labor by the Dark Dragon to build a secret weapon. He has a wife and is expecting a child soon.
  • Mogu (モグ Mog or Mogu in Japan), a mole with the ability to dig through anything. He fought against the Dragon Clan but was subdued by one of the lieutenants and trapped in a nightmare world before being freed by Ryu and his gang. His people are being exploited by the Dark Dragon in order to excavate an ancient weapon. He has a sister named Anne.

[edit] Other characters

  • The King of Winlan is honorable and the father of Princess Nina. When Emperor Zog offers an alliance with the king, he refuses as it would be betraying his neighboring kingdoms. In retaliation, Emperor Zog traps a letter so that when opened it will cause the person opening it to become poisoned. However, Ryu obtains the Remedy and saves him.
  • The Princess of Tunlan is quite vain and desires immortality with Zog, leading her to plan on turning over the Time Key. The party attempts to gain the Key, but Cerl takes it instead.
  • Tyr (Myria in Japan) is known as the Goddess of Destruction or Desire and is the antagonist and final boss. Before the game begins, she came along and granted the ruling dragon families wishes, in an effort to encourage war amongst them. However she was eventually locked away with the Goddess keys by a hero and his seven companions. Jade, however, frees her, but Ryu defeats her in the final battle. Critics claim that the true final battle, fought with the dragon Agni against Tyr's true form, is an anticlimax due to its low difficulty.
  • The Wizard of Karma joined the Dark Dragon family and was experimenting with Remedy. He brought back to life some of the villagers in Romero using it. He is able to use Xeon Gas, which is poisonous to members of the Clan of the Wing, and has powerful attack spells and the ability to avoid attacks. However, Ryu was not affected by the gas, and was able to confront and defeat him, rescuing Nina.
  • Zog (Zorgon in Japan) is the Emperor of the Dark Dragon family. He masterminded the plan to recover the Goddess Keys, believing that one man should control the world. Ryu, after a long journey, finally reached the imperial capital of Scande and defeated him.
  • Jade (Judas in Japan) is Zog's primary General. He appears as a mysterious man to advise the party on some occasions, presumably so that he can release the Goddess of Destruction himself and rule the world after disposing of Zog (Goda refers to him as "Emperor Jade" in the Obelisk). He succeeds in obtaining the Goddess Keys, and gains power from releasing the Goddess, but learns that he will lose to Ryu. He turns into a monster and fights Ryu after attempting to convince him to serve him, but is defeated.
  • Cort One of Jade's Four Devas, a mad scientist of sorts, who has invented a way to shrink people, can turn people into monsters, and can use his flower to make people insane. The party reaches him in his lab and fights RugaX. When he tries to prevent the bridge's reconstruction, he turns into a Horn Toad, but is defeated.
  • Mote (Sigmund in the Japanese version) One of Jade's Four Devas, a Highlander who controls the Sky Tower. He sends Mogu into his sleep, and traps the party in his dream world, but his Conscience helps the party defeat him.
  • Cerl (Carla in the Japanese version) One of Jade's Four Devas, and ruler of the fortress of Tock. She stops time for the people of Carmen as revenge for being banished for not being human. Even Alan cannot convince her to abandon her ways, as she injures him and attacks Ryu's group as a creature with the head and torso of a woman, the lower body and legs of a horse-like monster, and mantis-like claws for hands. Then Ryu defeats her, and later convinces her to give him the Time Key at a mountain pass fortress. However, Goda arrives, and Cerl holds him off, being killed in the process, and causing her mountain pass fortress to disappear. Later, Cerl reappears as a child in the location where her fortress was previously located, presumably a result of the Time Key's power.
  • Goda One of Jade's lieutenants. He kills Cerl when she gives the Time Key to Ryu (and somehow survives her fortress disappearing). He confronts Ryu in the Obelisk, turning himself into a giant stone golem, but is defeated.
  • Alan Cerl's childhood friend. He convinces Ryu to bring her fruit, and goes into Cerl's fading fortress, presumably dying in the process. Like Cerl, he later reappears as a child in the former location of the fortress.
  • Sara (most likely Seira or Sayla in the Japanese version) is the village priestess of Dragnier and Ryu's older sister. She defends the Light Dragon Clan in the beginning of the game. She uses petrify, lightning spells, and a dragon transformation, which transforms her into a large white dragon. Jade controls her, but she resists it to some degree, lowering the barrier preventing Ryu from passing through the Goddess's towers. Jade regains control, and forces her to fight the hero. She breaks free after her defeat, but is mortally wounded, and dies. Ryu senses her spirit twice towards the end of the game.

[edit] Organizations and races

  • The Soil Burrowling Clan (土食い族 / literally means "Soil-Eating Clan")
  • The Metal Smith Clan
  • The Merchant Clan (商人族) is a humanoid race located in the
  • The Forest People (森の民) is a humanoid race located in the
  • The Clan of the Wing (飛翼族) is a humanoid race located in the kingdom of Winlan. As they mature they grow a pair of wings that are attached to their backs which are either white or golden. Upon reaching adulthood, they are able to transform themselves into a bird. In their bird state, they are large enough and strong enough to be able to carry two people on their back. When in battle, members of this race prefer to float above the ground.
  • Dragons are a race of sentient beings who normally appear as people, but also have the ability to transform into a reptilian state. The dragon race is split up into various families which rules the world in harmony for many years, until Tyr came. Upon her imprisonment, they continued to rule and the land was balanced once more, until the Dark Dragons began seeking power once more and the Light Dragons denounced the dragons. Denouncing the dragons means that someone loses their ability to transform into their reptilian state.
  • The Dark Dragons are a family of the dragon race who live on an eastern continent where they rule an empire. Underneath the rule of Emperor Zog, they gathered the goddess keys in order to free Tyr.
  • The Light Dragons are a family of the dragon race. They were critical in stopping the destruction of the Dragons during the war started by Tyr. They ensured peace ruled throughout the land until they wished to remove themselves from politics, and so they denounced the dragons.
  • The Undead are people who have died and been brought back to life. One method of turning someone into a member of undead is to give them Remedy. Those that have been created through the use of Remedy sleep during the day and awaken during the night.

[edit] Locations

  • Agua is floating island located north of Romero, and is where the seal that banished the Goddess is located.
  • Arad (Japanese version = ヂューン / Dune) a small settlement in the middle of the desert whose live stock is constantly preyed upon by sand worms.
  • Aura Cave is located west of the city Winlan and is in the kingdom of Winlan's borders. From Winlan it leads to Romero, Karma and Agua.
  • Auria  (Japanese version = 光の町 / Town of Light) a very rich seaside town where the buildings seem to be made of gold and jewels. Gobi resided here after being expelled from his clan and has his own shop. The village was later attacked by the naval forces of the Dark Dragons. The village here is always bright thanks to the Light Key.
  • Bleak (Japanese version = 闇の町 / Town of Darkness) the village of thieves, is located just west to the Light and Dark Tower which houses the Dark Key.
  • Carmen a village located west of Tock, the Tower of Time. This village once expelled a Cerl as a young girl because she wasn't human. She later returned and used the Time Key in clock to distort time and space in the village.
  • Drogen (Japanese version = ドラグニール / Dragnier) is the village of the Light Dragon family and is situated to the west of Camlon. The Dark Dragons invade and burn much of the village at the start of the game, believing that the Dragons there still have their powers, when they do not. This accounts for the poor quality of sold equipment and low variety of items in the first town of the game, something that is not always explained in other games.
  • Gant  (Japanese version = ガンツ / Guntz) is the village of the Iron Ogre clan. The village is well known for its metal smiths; all the men were taken to work on the Torpedo, and the women were used as hostages. Only old men remain at the time of Gobi's arrival.
  • Gramor (クラモール) the village of the Mole People loactd deep under the earth.
  • Gust  (Japanese version = 風の村 / Windy Village) a small village at the mouth of a valley. The people here went insane after being exposed to the pollens of flower created by Cort.
  • Karma is located north-east of Winlan and west of Romero. It is home to a Wizard and has been overrun by monsters. When Nina arrives at Karma in search of Remedy, she kills two phantom siblings named Morte and Mortea.
  • The Kingdom of Nanai is ruled by a King.
  • Nanai (ナナイ) was the capital of the kingdom, before it was taken over by the Dark Dragon family and subsequently destroyed by Ryu using the Quake Control. It was a seaside city with a castle in the northern quarter. The castle had a stairway to an underground area which was filled with lava, except for the walkways. In this underground area was the Temple of Gaia, which contained the Quake Control; Ryu gained the E. Key, but the town was destroyed in the process. Nanai was situated in the eastern-most part of the kingdom.
  • Camlon  (Japanese version = カンタベル / Cantabell) is a town that has a castle in the northern quarter and is where the King of the kingdom flees to when the Dark Dragon family take over Nanai. The castle is initially over-run by monsters until Ryu comes along and defeats the first boss, allowing the true king and the villagers to reclaim the castle, and rebuild over the course of the game. Camlon is situated between Drogen and Nanai.
  • The Kingdom of Winlan ((Japanese version = ウィンディア / Windia) is a kingdom that is ruled by the Clan of the Wing, and controls a cave that leads to the lands northeast of the kingdom.
  • Winlan is the capital city of the kingdom and is ruled by a king. It is known as Windia or Wyndia in the future games. It has many windmills as it's people have an affinity with the wind. In the northern quarter of the city there is a castle.
  • Prima is a town located underwater. It is known as the trade capital of the world where you can find many kinds of items, and sell items once Gobi recovers his license. It is govern by the Merchant Guild and inhabited by the Merchant Race.
  • Romero (ロメロ)is a land that located northeast of Winlan, and can be accessed from Winlan through Aura Cave. Some Winlans consider the land to be backwards, and when Princess Nina visits it in search of Remedy, she finds that the people here have been brought back to life by using Remedy so that the dead and undead are living together. The ground in this land is changing color, which one villager speculates me be a side-effect of Remedy. The town is likely named in tribute to famed undead zombie director George Romero.
  • Scande is the Dark Dragon's base of operations and ruled by Zog who resides in the tower. Many of the inhabitants here were taken from other villages and forced into labor by the Dark Dragon. It is also where the Obelisk, the ancient flying fortress of the Goddess was buried.
  • Spring (Japanese version = 春の村 / Spring Village)a village located near the Spyre, a tower which controls the weather in the area. Famous for its waterfall.
  • Tantar is a village built by forest people after they fled their original habitat. A feud occurred when the impostor chief of Tuntar demanded Tantar's ring. However, Terry, a resident of the village, married Amelia, a human from Tuntar, in this town.
  • Tuntar is Tantar's neighboring village from across the river. Inhabited by humans. Was razed to the ground by the Stone Robot under the Dark Dragon's Control, but as everyone from Tuntar attended Terry and Amelia's wedding, no one was hurt.
  • Tunlan (Japanese version = 音楽の国 / Music Land) a village on a tropical island inhabited only by women. They communicate through music and melody and are ruled by a princess who wishes for eternal youth. The people also know the Dragon Heart, a song when sang causes lethal damage to any member of the Dragon who hears it. They also have the Bolster, an item which allows it users to enter people's dreams.
  • Wisdon  (さ迷うな町 / Wandering Town) an abandoned town inhabited by spirits that guard the sleeping sorceress who sealed the Goddess many ages ago. The town itself is never in one placed too long as it moves around the desert circling Arad.

[edit] Important items

  • Quake Control is a device that allows the user to cause earthquakes wherever they desire. It has a self-destruct ability which is activated by pulling out a key. This causes a nearby portal to be activated that leads to outside of the city and causes earthquakes in the entire city, destroying it. The key is called the E.Key and has to do with Tyr. When used in battle, the E.Key will cause the ground to shake.
  • Goddess Keys were used to lock the Goddess Tyr away. They were promptly scattered throughout the world, in an effort to hide them. However, years later the Dark Dragon family claimed to have gathered all the keys together, which would allow them to free Tyr from her cage.
  • Remedy is a potion that is able to cure death, and it cured the King of Winlan who was poisoned by Emperor Zog.
  • Gills are items that allow the wearer to breath underwater.
  • Cowl allows it's users to understand the melodic language of the people of Tunlan.
  • Maestro is a magic flute that allows its users to communicate with the people of Tunlan.
  • Bolster is an item kept by the Tunlan royal family that can be used to enter people's dreams.
  • Sphere allows members of the Manillo clan to transform in a Big Fish.
  • I.Claw a claw used by the Dirt-Eating clan of Gramor. It allows the user to dig through anything and is the only thing that can penetrate the Obelisk's exterior.

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