Breaking the Ice (Frasier)

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Breaking the Ice is the 20th episode of season 2 of Frasier, centering on Martin's awkward relationship with his sons. Frasier overhears his dad saying "I love you" to Eddie and his pal Duke (although the latter is "I love ya", a different thing in Martin's mind) and he is concerned as to why he never hears it. When Duke has to pull out of an ice-fishing trip, Daphne suggests that Frasier go instead, as a male-bonding ritual. She starts remeniscing about how she liked it when her brothers brought back a haul of fish, and Niles senses an opportunity to get in her affections - he will go ice fishing.

Niles goes shopping for some fishing equipment, and shows up wearing garish clothes and with an excessive array of equipment. Martin notes that the fish will see him coming; Daphne notes that the salesman certainly did.

Eventually Frasier changes his mind and goes. When they arrive at the cabin on the lake (not "lake-adjaicent" as Frasier anticipated) Frasier is miserable and Niles gets into the spirit of things. The plan is to stay at the Bed 'N' Bass motel ("one of the finer fish-themed hotels" as Frasier wryly remarks), but when Frasier asks for the keys to the car, Niles throws them (badly) and they fall down the fishing hole.

Faced with the prospect of the night in a cold, cramped cabin, the whisky is brought out (Martin's definition of "fishing supplies") and the deep conversation begins. Niles admits that he's not enjoying himself at all, and he envies Frasier for having the fun of complaining. Frasier admits his real reason for going, and after struggling for a bit, Martin says the 3 words his sons wanted to hear.