Brasil (album)

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Brasil is the fourth album released by hardcore band Ratos de Porão, which was released in 1989 through Roadrunner Records. Considered by many fans the masterpiece of Ratos' discography, this record was the passport to the world scene. It was recorded in Berlin, and produced by Harris Johns, who produced bands such Tankard and Exumer. This can be considered as a true crossover album, mixing hardcore and metal. Available in Portuguese and English versions.

[edit] Track listing

  1. Amazônia nunca mais/ Amazon never more
  2. Retrocesso/ Backwards
  3. AIDS, pop, repressão/ AIDS, pop, repression
  4. Lei do silêncio/ Law of the silence
  5. S.O.S. país falido/ S.O.S. broken country
  6. Gil Goma/ Gil Coma
  7. Beber até morrer/ Drink' till you die
  8. Plano furado II/ Fucked plan II
  9. Heroína suicída/ Suicide heroin
  10. Crianças sem futuro/ Children without future
  11. Farsa nacionalista/ Nationalist farse
  12. Traidor/ Traitor
  13. Porcos sanguinários/ Bloody pigs
  14. Vida animal/ Animal life
  15. O fim/ The end
  16. Máquina militar/ Military machine
  17. Terra do carnaval/ Land of carnival
  18. Herança/ Will I receive my heritage?

All songs written by Ratos de Porão.

[edit] Lineup

  • Vocals - Gordo
  • Guitars - Jão
  • Bass - Jabá
  • Drums - Spaghetti
  • Backing vocals - David Pollack, Archi(Happy Hour) and Frank Preece (Exumer)
In other languages