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[edit] Bus Wars
Bus Wars was created in 2004 by Anthony Bianchi when he was a freshmen at Holly High School on his bus. They were short stories that manly focused on making fun of his friends.
[edit] Season 1
During Season 1 as Bianchi says it was the most valuger and idiotic stories ever wrote. They were spoofs off of Star Wars, but went past episdeo 6. The Jedi were re-named the Jews.
The following is the list of of chacters from season 1. All charcters had nicknames used in the stories incase they wanted their names witheld, or didn't know they were in the stories.
List of Chacters from Season 1
Cyle(Later renamed Adolf)
F.C.(Fat Cyle)
[edit] Season 2
Season 2 was wrote in Bianchi Sophomore year at High School. Season 2 had nothing different then season 1, Bianchi remade season 1 but with new chacters and less cussing. Season 2 was also the first time a chacter died. Bay was killed off since he gradurate last year.
List of Chacters from Season 2
Fat-Matt Scalon
Twisler-Chris Westfall
Adolf and F.C. would soon be left off when Adolf stop riding the bus, and when F.C. and Bianchi starting fighting.
[edit] Season 3
Season 3 is still being wrote as of now. This season is the only season that is being saved. Bianchi made a Binder in the start of the school year and will pass it down when he graturates in a year. It is rumored that Joe, a new chacter, will be the next owner of Bus Wars. There are 50 episdeos made as of now, but episdeo 51-72 have been named.
[edit] Season 3 Chacters
Becky from last season was killed of due to graturating
Fat-Matt Scalon
Twisler-Chris Westfall
New Chacters
[edit] Season 3 episdeos
1.Bus Wars
2.Twisler is lonely
3.Becky's Dead
4.E.T. Fone Home
5.Fat has a heart attack
6.Vito touches little girls
7.E.T. Comes Home
8.Fat has another heart attack
9.Tay Gets Candy
10.Stairway to heaven
11.Snakes on a bus
12.Road to Special Oylmpics Issue I
13.Issue II
14.Issue III
15.Special Oylmpics Song
16.Wise didn't die
17.Super BusWars!
18.Rubber Chickens and Fudge
19.Vito Becomes a man
21.Twisler Sees you!
22.Jail Time
26.Jews are a Menace
27.Attack of the Jews
28.Revange of The Jews
29.A New Pope
30.The Empire stikes first
31.Return of the Jews
32.Viva La Bus Wars
33.The Bus Wars Ball
34.Burger King and Dairy Queen
35.Burger King and Dairy Queen 2
36.Burger King and Dairy Queen 3:The Wedding
37.Bus Wars travels to space
38.Whipped Cream
40.In your ass
41.9-11:What really happen
42.Adolf Returns
44.Mick makes a mistake
46.Meet the people
47.Miller not so light
49.Oh Canada
50.The 50th episdeo:Family Reunion
51.Blind Date
52.Eatting Out
53.The Atomic Boom
54.Vito Loves Boobies
55.Jesus loves you!
57.Jesus Dies for you
58.Jesus is dead
59.Jesus returns and leaves
60.The journey to the center of a fatass
61.Dial 911 for Vito
62.Tripe Bypass for Fat
63.Joe is outsmarted by Fat
64.Holocaust II
65.Jew gets even
66.Let's get physcial
67.Jew blows up the bus
68.New Bus
69.Bus Driver is a whore
70.Blame the Jew
71.Back in Time
[edit] The Future
Once Bianchi finishes High School he would like to past Bus Wars on to rumored to be Joe. Joe already has had a hand in making a few Bus Wars which Bianchi calls, "Tommy Guns" Only one Tommy Gun has been placed in Bus Wars: LucasArts.