Boy Meets Boy (webcomic)

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Boy Meets Boy

Mikhael and Harley
Author(s) K. Sandra Fuhr
Launch date September 22, 2000
End Date January 10, 2004

Boy Meets Boy is a slash webcomic by K. Sandra Fuhr. It is based on characters from the artist's earlier, darker strip, This Is Home. It ran from September 22, 2000 to January 10, 2004 when it was succeeded by its sequel, Friendly Hostility. It was one of the most popular gay-themed comics on the web during its run.[citation needed] It was nominated for the Web Cartoonist's Choice Awards in 2001 and 2002 and won in 2003.

The series was popular for giving a non-stereotypical view into a gay lifestyle, treating it in the same manner as most webcomics treat heterosexual relationships.


[edit] Story

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
From left, Rasheequa, Cyanide, Skids and Harley; the members of Boy Band
From left, Rasheequa, Cyanide, Skids and Harley; the members of Boy Band

The comic focuses on the lives of the two main characters Mikhael (Mik) Rasputin, who is a broody, anti-social, multi-millionaire artist, and his boyfriend of three years, Harlequinn (Harley) Goldman (a punk musician in a group named "Boy Band").

Through the comic, stories such as Harley's band playing at various gigs, Mikhael's attempts at creating art, and the histories of the characters are common. Witty t-shirts are also something of a running joke through the series. However, the main focus of the story arc is on the loving relationship between Mikhael and Harley. Despite the trials the relationship faces (Mik forgetting their anniversary; an ex- of Mik's trying to steal Harley, etc) it endures throughout until the series ends, when they move away from their friends to Los Angeles to pursue Harley's music career.

Here's a list of the main storylines in the comic (chronlogical order). (NOTE: This list needs cleanup and isn't comprehensive.)

Tabitha goes on a date with Flash.
Cyanide and Mikhael don't like each other.
Tabitha does 30-second dating. On the way back, she meets Allen, and they hit it off.
Rasheequa gets the band a gig at some weird stripper club. Harley's gone for a few days.
Cyanide's crushing on Skids, even though he's supposed to be straight.
Cyanide & Mik get stuck in an elevator together for a couple hours. Cyanide ends up telling Mik about his crush on Skids.
Mik forgets Harley's anniversary, so he asks the Boy Band for help, and they make a nice song-present-deal out of it.
Allen and Tabitha go on vacation.
Flashback to when Mik got his ankh tat; it happens to be a cover-up of the time he attempted to get a Tybalt tattoo (ex-BF) and they put Timmy on it instead.
Skids flirts a lot with Harl, and Cy is annoyed by it.
Cy takes his younger sisters trick-or-treating.
Faith, who's still crushing on Skids, pursues him by asking Cy for help (moral dilemma!) Ends up with everyone thinking Cy doesn't want Faith and Skids together because he's crushing on FAITH, whereas really he's crushing on SKIDS.
Return of Flash! Goes after Tabitha, is crushed when he finds out about Allen.
Faith has switched likes, to Cy. Harl goes to interrogate Faith.
Tybalt sends Mik & Harl tarantulas, which become Harl's obsession.
Cyanide tries to get back at Tybalt by putting chemicals in his washing machine, but Tybalt catches him and punches him in the face.
At New Years, someone kisses Harl. He doesn't tell Mik about it.
Flashback reveals that Harl used to have a crush on Skids.
Faith and Flash date; Faith drops him.
Rasheequa got the band a Buffy-themed gig. Skids gets lost at the gig and meets Ronnie Otaqueen. The band gets kidnapped by Buffy
haters. Rasheequa saves them. Mik comes to surprise Harl at the gig and they (Harl & Mik) stay overnight at an inn. Meanwhile,
Tabitha needs to find replacements of Harl & Mik to meet her mom, who is Satan. She hires college kids, Collin & Fox, to stand in. They're kinda gay-in-denial. Anyway, Collin is in denial, and Fox keeps hitting on him. When Harl comes back, he senses someone has "raped" his guitar (the college students). Skids gets the internet and starts talking online to Ronnie. He also starts talking to Tybalt, but he doesn't know who it is. They hit it off.
Aurora's pregnant and not sure who the father is. She calls Harl; he has to cope. He also agrees to take Aurora's job at the cafe for her next season.
Harl decides to find the guy who touched his guitar. He goes after Fox with a baseball bat. Fox kisses him; Harl punches him; Fox vomits.
Ronnie returns, rooming with Skids; professes love for Cy; they start going out; Skids is not OK with this although he hides it; he meets with Tybalt to pour his heart out and they agree to meet again.
Cy accidentally lets slip to Mik about the New Years kissing incident with Harl. Mik and Harl have a fight and split up; Harl starts staying with Aurora and working at the coffee shop. Mik calls in sick on an art exhibit, leaving space for Tybalt to appear in the exhibit.
Two detours: Return of Abby, who's undergone a sex change and is now Aubrey. (Mik catches Harl with Aubrey. More jealousy.) Also weird virus/ABBA/Keanu thing happens with Fox & Collin, fixed by Flash.
After tribulations (in which Tybalt shows up and tries to spirit away Harl again, and Harl punches him again), Harl & Mik get back together.
Rasheequa's got something going with Apollo.
Something going between Aubrey and Aurora.
Ronnie's moving away. She and Cy agree to keep up a long-distance relationship.
Fox agrees to mentor Flash on getting girls. Flash finally figures out the secret: not caring.
Collin agrees to let Fox "court" him.
Mikhael meets Harl's dad.
Skids is under a lot of pressure - unrequited crush on Ronnie, crush on Harl... he kidnaps Tybalt and the Boy Band.
Harl has to do a gig, so Mik agrees to take over the coffee shop for a day.
Mik doesn't like Abby/Aubrey.
Mik goes to an art show without Harl (he's sick) and meets Izzy Taylor (straight guy).
Collin and Fox are "going out" now.
Mrs. Nguyen is the new gig band manager.
Aurora has her baby.
Mik goes crazy with some ferret
Ronnie says she needs some space from Cy.
Tybalt commences "training" Skids. Skids confesses to Tybalt about crushing on Harley for a LOOong time. *moral dilemma* - Tybalt doesn't know whether to tell Skids his history with Harl.
Mik rescues Izzy when his hands are glued to the table.
Nefertari breaks her ankle.
Collin and Fox have sex.
Harl & Mik go on a road trip. While they're gone, Tabby stores "Muffy" (Tere, who she turned into a monster) in their room, and turns her back.
Ron comes back in town. Skids gives Cy "faulty" advice on how to deal with this and Cy fucks up the Ron-Cy thing permanently.
Izzy calls all his friends over to get Shannon a birthday present. He ends up getting her a collage of pictures of himself.
Collin runs a mock election for the kids.
Harl becomes Nguyen's assistant.
Skids gets a job working for Aurora.
Mik & Harl switch apartments.
Aubrey tells her psychologist she's still female.

[edit] Influences

The comic displays influences from various different cultures and sub-cultures.

Rock Bands such as Operation Ivy are frequently spoken about. Harley's fondness for such bands is reflected in the music his band plays. The Occult plays a minor role in the comic, noticeably through Tabitha and to a lesser extent, the band's fascination with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This possibly stems from This Is Home, the author's previous work, in which the main characters feature in fantastic forms. English culture is sometimes referenced, mostly through use of British slang such as wanker. Occasionally, other webcomics are referenced.

[edit] Characters

Harley Goldman & Mikhael Rasputin - dating for 3 years
Tabitha - landlord
Flash - Harley's cousin
Abby/Aubrey - friends with Harley
Cyanide Torres - in Boy Band
Gio "Skids" - in Boy Band
Jeff - Only appears in flashback. First bassist for Boy Band. Friend of Cy & Harl & Skids
Rasheequa - Member of Boy Band.
Aurora - Harley's sister.
Allen - Hitman hired by Mik to get rid of Aurora. Ends up dating Tabitha.
Tybalt - Mik's ex-BF after he cheated on Mik. Hits on Harley at an art exhibit. Starts stalking Harl; Harley hits him.
Apollo - Lives with Tybalt.
Faith & Hope - Girls crushing on Skids & Cyanide.
Ronnie Otaqueen - Skids meets her at the Buffy gig. Later visits town, gets a thing going with Cy - then leaves so it's long-distance. Skids's always crushing on Ron, so the Ron-Cy thing kills him.
Collin Sri'vastra & Kailen "Fox" Maharassa - college kids Tabitha gets to stand in for Harl & Mik.
Selma - Ronnie's friend.
Izzy Taylor - Mik's straight friend.
Shannon - Izzy's wife.
Red, Cole, Rabbit - Izzy's straight friends.
Rhapsody Nguyen - boy band manager
Jane Tennyson - Nguyen's assistant
Nefertari Maharassa - Fox's mom
Padma Maharassa - Fox's dad
Tere Torres - Cy's younger sister

[edit] See also

[edit] Other works by K. Sandra Fuhr

[edit] Places to find K. Sandra Fuhr

[edit] External links

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