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Boxercise (sometimes known as boxacise) is a sport based on the exercises that boxers use to keep fit, but does not involve actually hitting anyone (or being hit). It is therefore a relatively safe activity for all sorts of people. The sport offers a way for people with little interest in contact boxing to benefit from the fitness that the sport can bring.

Boxercise emerged in the early 1990s and there are now thousands of boxercise classes in sports-centres all over the world.

Boxercise classes can be very varied, both in content and target group. Some are heavily influenced by traditional boxing exercises, some are based around kick-boxing, whilst others take the form of circuit training. The type of exercises performed often depends on the equipment available (e.g. the availability of punch-bags) or the background of the instructor. A typical class may involve shadow boxing, skipping, hitting pads, kicking punch-bags, press-ups, shuttle-runs, press-ups, sit-ups etc.

Instruction manuals and videos for boxercise are also available for those who wish to train at home.

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