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I'm from England and maintain interests in the law, right- winger politics and paramilitary neo- nazi organisations and have started (under my previous accounts which were banned for several reasons, I'M PRETTY MUCH ON PROBATION) the Battle of Ventersdorp, Battle of Goedgevonden and Bophuthatswana Coup.

I'm also interested in the U.S. mafia and contributed to the Billy Batts article a great deal, as well as the Henry Hill, Paul Vario and Jimmy Burke, I started the Ronald Jerothe one and the one on the DeCavalcante Crime Family.

I enjoy films, the internet and books.

Favourite Books.

Gangsters and GoodFellas, by Henry Hill and Gus Russo

Wiseguy, by Nick Pillegi

Donnie Brasco:Way of the Wiseguy, by Joseph D. Pistone

Donnie Brasco:My undercover life in the mafia, by Joseph D. Pistone

and a few others which I can't remember the titles and authors of off by heart and am too lazy to go and have a look at the moment.

In non- mafia books I've read

The Bang Bang Club

and that's about it for the last 10 months or so

Favourite Films


Godfather Part 3

Ku Klux Klan:A Secret History

Pulp Fiction

Reservoir Dogs (and the game)

40 year old virgin

His Big White Self

The Leader, His Driver and the Driver's Wife

I'm a little obsessive about stuff so my favourite movies fluctuate and depend on whether I'm in a politics mood (in which case the KKK documentary, His Big White Self and The Leader are the films of choice) or a gangsters mood in which case the others will do. I do watch my other DVDs like Meet the Fockers, Maid in Manhattan (yes you heard right) and Wind in the Willows (the 1996 one) when I just want something to put on but usually its one of the above.


I live in England (as I said above)

I'm 6 foot 3 and 238 pounds (which is 17 stone for those who can't convert) and am growing, yay, I hope I'll be like my favourite wrestler The Big Show, considering I'm 13 and 6'3 I still have plenty of time to grow.

My IQ is 118, so I'm in the top 15% of people for intelligence, which is nice to know, it means you only have to compete with 15% of people for jobs.

I hope to be a QC one day and earn £800,000 a year practising in company law, but I still would say I'll be nothing special intelligence wise for a barrister, considering that the legal profession has some of Britain's smartest men and women working in it. So maybe working for the CPS and taking home a nice £45,000 a year until I'm 70 (which is what the retirement age will be by the time I'm working).

[edit] Politics

I have a greta love for politics and how they have shaped not only my own country but every country, I have no shame in being a member of the "far right- wing", I'm a firm supporter of the Conservative Party, I'd support the National Party if I lived in South Africa, the Republican Party if I lived in the U.S., the Freiheitliche Patrei Osterreiches, the Freedom Party of Austria if I lived there.

I'm anti- immigration, especially from outside the European Union, I mean we're a very densely populated country, only Holland is more densely populated than us, and we already have 60 million people living here. We need to preserve Anglo- Saxon culture, Christianity as the dominant religion in Great Britain (as it has been for centuries) and the English language. It would be one sad day if more than about 5% of Brits don't speak English as their first language.

I am nationalistic, I always have the flags of the political factions I support on display, I have British flags in my room, an Austrian flag and a Confederate flag in my room at all times.

There's not a country in the world who, in my opinion, really has there politics sorted out any more. I believe in:

  • Firm policies on immigration
  • Ensuring that every country's culture(s) survive in tact
  • Terrorists and their supporters are either imprisoned, executed or deported without question
  • Display of every country's national flag outside their home should be mandatory
  • Pride in one's heritage should be taught to every single man, woman and child through their every day lives
  • Democracy is very important, we should have more political groups and organisations giving everyone a faction who they support and not feeling like no party has anything to offer them
  • Christianity should be shown as the mark of a true European and Islam that of a true Middle- easterner, Sikhism or Hinduism or Islam as that of a true Indian and so on and so forth. I believe that a multi- faith society is fine provided that we remember who the real Brits are and what the religion of the crown has been for centuries. It's not being offensive I just think that preservation of people, religion and culture are more important than anything else for a healthy country.
  • Capitalism, I honestly think that the more money a country has, the more weapons we can buy, the more armies we can train, the better hospitals we can have and the fewer people we need to rely on.
  • International harmony, and this is a delicate balance, of course a country should watch out for all of it's volk and it's interests first and foremost, and that goes for every country, but having happy allies is always useful

This is the Gospel according to me.

[edit] My favourite foods

Beef burgers

Chicken burgers

Chicken and mushroom pie

Boerwors (Pork and Beef not Venison)

Spare ribs (from the Chinese take- away)

Indian take- aways

Chicken Chow Mein

Black forest gateau (from Druckers, mmmmm.....)

[edit] All NEW!!

My user page is now available in Afrikaans.

My bladsy is nou beskikbaar in Afrikaans.

hi, ek is van Engeland en handhaaf belange in die wet, reg - winger politiek en paramilitêre neo- nazi organisasies en het het begin (onder my vorige rekeninge wat was verban vir verskeie redes, ek is mooi veel op probation) die Stryd van ventersdorp, Stryd van Goedgevonden en Bophuthatswana coup.

Ek is probeer om te leer Afrikaans maar ek is nie baiegoed met dit, so vergewe my en die vertaling webwerf wat het die vertaling.