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This is not a hoax. This is a little known but important story in the development of the avant-garde and modenrnism. I will continue to add sources to prove this as true.
Places where one can find the word Bouzingo:
- Mélanges tirés d'une petite bibliothèque romantique: bibliographie anecdotique et pittoresque...
by Charles Asselineau, Théodore Faullain de Banville, Charles Baudelaire - 1866 - 210 pages
- On Bohemia by Cesar Grana, Marigay Grana - 1990 - Chapter: Bouzingos and Jeunes-France pp. 365-369
- Lettre inédite de Philothée O'Neddy [pseud.] auteur de: Feu et flamme, sur le groupe litté Théophile Dondey - 1875
To the Credulous Reader: Yes, just as you suspected, this entire article and so-called movement are a hoax, gussied up with just enough real names to make those who have vaguely heard of Gautier or Byron wonder if it is not true. None of it is true.
For an excellent social history of Paris in the period under discussion, I sugguest Philip Mansel's "Paris Between Empires 1814-1852."