Bourtreehill House

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Bourtreehill House (now destroyed) and the enclosed land on which it was built form the original estate of Bourtreehill. The wooded hill-top, a distinctive feature of the estate, is now a landmark that sits at the centre of modern North Bourtreehill in the district of North Ayrshire on the west coast of Scotland.

Only Surviving Arch of Bourtreehill


[edit] Physical characteristics

Only a mile from the town of Irvine, the remaining land surrounding Bourtreehill House is an overgrown woodland at the summit of a wide but relatively low hill. Medieval in origin and with an array of ruined structures, ancient trees, and overgrown avenues, the estate, which once housed associates of Robert Burns, William Wallace and Lord Byron, has a hidden and mysterious history. That it was once tended by a competent gardener is clear; well defined, though overgrown, garden features are still perfectly visible, many of which date back to the mid-1700s.

Three antiquated, but currently unidentified, ruined buildings stand deep within the woods of the original estate. In the early 1980s, two arches stood side by side in the northeastern quarter. These are known to have served some purpose involving the coming and going of traffic. The oldest entrance (and subsequently the oldest driveway) once led the visitor directly to the twin arches. Sadly, only one of these fine structures still remains, while the other has been progressively vandalised over the last two decades.

Greatest ruin ten years before collapse

The boundaries of the original medieval estate can still be traced quite easily. During the construction of the modern North Bourtreehill housing scheme, the original confines of the estate were only slightly adjusted. Many houses lie within the ancient interior of Bourtreehill, but those dwellings have been designed in such a way that they compliment the undulating land and wooded features. The housing schemes in North Bourtreehill have been described as biomorphic in their style. The River Annick Runs through the area and so adds to the natural surroundings which dominate the North Bourtreehill complex.

The land surrounding the estate was peppered by railway lines. An early 19th century railway trackbed can still be followed to the south of Bourtreehill, and a few notably old railway sleepers can be discovered by the highly alert visitor.

rare wooden sleeper from Bourtreehill

See Bourtreehill entry for a history of Bourtreehill's more recent story.

[edit] Secrets of Bourtreehill

With Bourtreehill's rich history, it is only natural that the estate also contains numerous secrets. (To be updated later).

[edit] History

Sortly after Battle of Bannockburn, Robert the Bruce confiscated Bourtreehill from the former King John Balliol. Robert the Steward, the future King Robert II of Scotland is known to have rented Bourtreehill to one Alan of Blair. In typical feudal manner, this payment took the form of the all too common Peppercorn rent.

A 'Bour Tree' is the Ayrshire name for the Common Elder tree, Sambucus nigra, often found in the older and more biodiverse local woodlands.

The Hunter family papers as published by the Scottish Record Society include 16th-17th century references to Bourtreehill in connection with a family of Lynns who were the Lords of Lynn in nearby Dalry, the location also of Lynn Glen and Lynn Falls. Another mention of the Lynns in Bourtreehill can be found in a 1608 testament. The record of Lynns of Bourtreehill is as follows: 7 Nov 1522 - Robert Hunter resigned lands of Highlees [Dundonald] to John Lyn of Boutrehill. 2 May 1528 - John Lyn of Bowrtrehill witnessed an instrument in Glasgow concerning the Montgomerys. 21 Jan 1548 - John Lyn of that Ilk and Bowtrehill conveyed the lands of Highlees to Archibald Crawford as guardian for the heir of Hunterston. 8 Feb 1568 - Laurence Lin of Bourtrehill witnessed an instrument executed by John Lin of that Ilk, superior of Highlees. 1608 - Lawrence Lyn in Bourtriehill was widowed, a testament being recorded on 17 Oct of that year for his wife, Bessie Wallace. In 1776 the Countess of Crawfurd is given as proprietor on plate 45 of G. Taylor and A. Skinner's 'Survey and maps of the roads of North Britain or Scotland'.

During the Enlightenment, Bourtreehill housed some of the most important people in the region. The Baron Oranmore and Browne of Bourtreehill House was the grandfather of Tara Browne. In the 18th century, the Earl of Crawford, whose house in Kilbirnie burned to the ground, rescued his wife and daughter and took residence in Bourtreehill House which dated to the early 1600s but was demolished in the 1960s.

It is an unfortunate truth that Bourtreehill House, with its preserved Medieval surroundings, is still subject to a certain amount of confusion. Unknown to many Bourtreehillians, the estate is much older than the Bourtreehill which is known today. The date of the inception of Bourtreehill is, as yet, unknown but in the centuries that passed its history has been peppered with a multitude of wealthy, powerful and influential people. Politicians, literary fellows and kings are known to have possessed, rented or visited the estate. That several of those influential historical characters were women is also a valuable and notable point when considering the history of Bourtreehill in the middle-ages and later 17th-18th centuries.

For additional history and photographs visit the Bourtreehill website by clicking [here].

[edit] Boutreehill Estate Gallery 2007

[edit] See also

[edit] External Links