
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bouchercon, the Anthony Boucher Memorial World Mystery Convention, is an annual convention of creators and devotees of mystery and detective fiction. It is named in honour of writer, and editor Anthony Boucher.

It is held annually, each year being hosted in a different city by a different group of volunteers. is the main website for the convention, and each year's host puts together a website of their own.

People who attend are fans, authors, agents, booksellers, publishers and other people who read and enjoy mystery and crime fiction. The first one was held in Santa Monica, CA in 1970. The guest of honor was Robert Bloch of "Psycho" fame.

The standing committee changes year to year being made up of people who have hosted and will host the convention, and three at large members who are voted in by the membership. (The membership is the attendees)

The standing committee is in charge of receiving and voting on bids for future sites for Bouchercon. Anyone is allowed to put in a bid.