Talk:Boris Badenov
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=Triva= {For reference only} Typical cliffhanger:
- On one Rocky and Bulwinkel epsiode concerning the "Kernwood Derby" {a hat that would make an idiot a Genius; the name is a spoof of Dernwood Kerby} Bulwinkle is in front of a cannon about to fire; Fearless Leader and Boris Badenov are nerby.
- Fearless Leader: "If the moose dies, the plan dies."
- Boris: "So?"
- Fearless Leader: "If the Plan dies, Pottslvania dies."
- Boris: "So?"
- Fearless Leader: "If Pottslvania dies, YOU DIE." Points gun at Boris.
- Boris: "SOOOO??" Boris rushs to save Moose as cannon goes off.
- On a "Bulwinkle and Rocky Fan Club" epsiode:
Pun storyline: Rocky is a contest judge; Boris, Natasha, and Peachfuzz are present. Natasha plays a balalinka.
- Boris: She playing such a malady.
- Rocky: Don't you mean melody?
- Boris: Not the way she plays it!
Natasha "crowns" Boris with Balalinka. Natasha wins a trophy.
- Boris: The last time she took something, the judge gave her 90 days.
Natasha "Crowns" Boris with trophy.