Boris Todbringer

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Boris Todbringer is a fictional character in Games Workshop's Warhammer Fantasy setting and appears in the army of Empire.

He is the current Elector Count of Middenland and is described as a great warrior and a brilliant statesman. His residence is in the city of Middenheim. For three decades he has been the head of his family. He is now advancing in years, and there are whispered rumours that personal and political problems weighs heavily on his mind. His battles with the Beastmen in the Drakwald Forest, in particular the banebeast Khazrak, whose eye he took (and to whom he lost his own right eye a year after) are a ceaseless struggle. It is also said that the loss of his second wife, Anika-Elise, almost twenty years ago, was a blow from which Boris has yet to fully recover.

Todbringer regularly leads the armies of Middenland personally, wielding his Runefang sword.

In the Storm of Chaos Online Campaign Boris Todbringer was instrumental in the defence of the province of Middenland when Archaon, and his followers, invaded Kislev and the Empire. The armies of Ostland and Middenland and troops from Hochland and Kislev fell back to Middenland, where Todbringer led the Middenheim defenders until the Karl Franz, the Emperor himself, arrived with the army of Reikland to relieve the city and lift the siege.

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