Borgo Santa Lucia

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Borgo Santa Lucia (or, more simply, Santa Lucia ) is an historical rione of Naples, that it rises around the same name street and it takes the name from the parochial sanctuary of Santa Lucia a mare, of which is attested to the presence in river to the sea since 9th century even if the legend would want it founded from a grandaughter of Constantine I.


[edit] Territory

The territory of the ward coincides with that one of the Parish and it extends on the Santa Lucia and Orsini streets with their crosspieces, Islet of Megaride with the Borgo Marinari and the Castel dell'Ovo, Chiatamone street and a feature of Partenope promenade until the center of the newspaper Il Mattino, the so-called “Pallonetto of Santa Lucia” to the slopes of Mount Echia sin nearly to Monte di Dio; from the other side, they can it are comprised in the ward, towards Royal Palace, the Molosiglio and Cesario Console street, anciently famous like "Rua of the Provenzali", therefore like the Borgo was known with the toponym of "Port of the Provenzali".

[edit] History

The history of Santa Lucia is identified with the history of Naples, since the disembarkation of the Greeks coming from Cumae, than they decided here to found the small market harbour of Falero, from which later born - between the beach, the islet of Megaride and the hill of Pizzofalcone - the poleis Partenope (like the siren who tried to enchant Odysseus), the later on famous like Palepoli (that is “old city”). In preimperial roman age, roman general Lucullus would have moved itself, that he would have raised its magnificent villa, known like Oppidum Lucullianum, where then would have finished to its days last roman emperor Romulus Augustus. In imperial age the zone would have become celebre for to be near the coves platamoniae, where magical rituals were kept and in which Petronius acclimatized some steps of the Satyricon. In the 7th Century Saint Patricia from Constantinople, directed in Holy Land, was shipwrecked on the islet of Megaride and decided to settle down itself definitively to Naples. In medieval age the zone decayed and the villa came reconverted in monastery from the basilian monks that, in ducal age, took to manage the church. In norman age the monastery completely was transformed becoming one most equipped fortress to guard of the gulf. In angevin age the port was given in concession to the Provençal people, of the same land of the kings, and grew its military and trades importance very them. In 1588, mother Eusebia Minadoa integrally removed to a higher court to its feminine order the sanctuary, making to reconstruct it. The spanish viceroys, between the '600 and the '700, held in particular consideration the place, deciding to embellish it with numerous, between which the more important was that one entrusted in 1599 by Domenico Fontana that it transformed a village of fishermen and traders in one of the most prestigious sites of the city. With the arrival of Borboni, the lucìani becamed very intimate of the kings, than of it used like craftsmen and suppliers of the royal house (famous, in purpose, the anecdote of the ostricaro fisico). The zone becamed rinomata goal of the tourism of organized elite in the so-called one grand tour , and in the course of the seven hundred principles of Francavilla constructed a casino to you between the sea and Chiatamone street, of which many personages were hosts celebrate (between which Giacomo Casanova) and that then he passed before in property of the real family and, then, of Alessandro Dumas; of the ancient place of delights, a lot appreciated from Queen Maria Carolina, is today visible single a wing survivor who erge still to the shoulders of the university center conferences. In the ward lived the admiral Francesco Caracciolo, being worth before official of borbonic navy and then martyr of Parthenopaean Republic, than, for order of admiral Nelson and just of forehead to lungomare, he was barbarian thrown hanged person and in sea; the body, gone back afloat and recovered from the people of Santa Lucia, obtained Christian interment in the other church of the ward, that one of Santa Maria della catena, where a epitaph, place in 1881, remembers the episode. In 1845, the level of lungomare it came remarkablly up and that provoked the interramento of the cinquecentesco factory of the sanctuary, on which new church came built up one.

[edit] Santa Lucia today

After the Risorgimento Santa Lucia knew a deep transformation (increase and rectifies of Partenope promenade, overwhelmed to sea and creation of puts into effect it them Orsini street) that but still more it has emphasized its tourist character. In this zone they are in fact situates some to you between most panoramic hotels than Naples and some between the more important nautical circles of the city. Morover there are hear the conference center of the University “Federico II ", the Institute of language and Spanish culture Cervantes and the center of region Campania.

[edit] Curiosity

Santa Lucia has been also chosen like subject of some traditional Neapolitan songs between which they can be numbered the most famous “Santa Lucia” (today, among other things, considered the unofficial hymn of Sweden), and “Santa Lucia luntana”, this last symbol of Neapolitan emigrating that left from close port towards the Americas.