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The correct title of this article is bootman. The initial letter is shown capitalized due to technical restrictions.

bootman is the BeOS boot loader. It is resident solely in the master boot record and does not require an install of BeOS, although it must be installed from BeOS.

It is filesystem-agnostic, and boots an operating system as if it were being booted directly from the hardware—as such, it can boot virtually any operating system. It can also chainload GRUB, LILO and NTLDR. However, being independent of an OS prevents it being able to boot any disks which are not accessible via BIOS I/O routines (e.g. int 13), with the exception of BeOS disk-in-a-file images on FAT32.

bootman appeared in BeOS R4.0, having replacing LILO, which was used in R3.x. Installation, configuration and uninstallation can be done solely by a graphical application, also called bootman. This can also create a MBR restoration floppy disk without modifying the current MBR.