Bonhoeffer family

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The Bonhoeffer Family

Karl Bonhoeffer (1868-1948) was a prominent psychiatrist/neurologist in Germany. Bonhoeffer opposed the ideas of Freud and Jung and refused to participate in the Nazi-sponsored sterilization program started before World War II. Karl's wife Paula Bonhoeffer (1874-1951) was the daughter of a professor of theology and a German countess.

Karl and Paula Bonhoeffer had eight children:

Dietrich, who joined the German resistance when the evils of Nazi Germany became apparent, was arrested in 1943 and executed on April 9, 1945. Klaus joined the resistance and was arrested on October 1, 1944 with other conspirators, found guilty by the Volksgerichtshof and shot by the Gestapo on April 23, 1945.

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