Bone March

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In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Bone March is a political state of the Flanaess.


[edit] History

[edit] Geography

Bone March is generally located in the eastern portion of the Flanaess. It rests in the narrow strip of land bounded by the Rakers in the west and the Teesar Torrent in the east, and curving around to encompass Johnsport on the coast of the Solnor Ocean.

As of 591 CY, the most populous towns are Knurl (13,500), Spinecastle (pop. 6,300(?)), and Johnsport (pop. 3,500(?)).

[edit] People

[edit] Population

As of 591 CY, the population of Bone March totaled 310,000 persons, though only a large minority are human (mainly Oeridian stock, but some Suel and Flan as well). About 20% of the population are orcs, and nearly the same number are halflings. Gnomes, Elves, half-orcs, half-elves, and dwarves make up decreasing numbers of the remaining citizens.

The numbers above do not take into account the large number of other uncounted goblins, gnolls, etc.

[edit] Religion

The most popular deities among Bone March's inhabitants are Hextor, the Oeridian agricultural gods, Erythnul, Kord, the orc pantheon, and Beltar.

[edit] Languages

The most widely-spoken languages in Bone March include Common, Old Oeridian, Orc, Halfling, Gnomish, and Elven. Goblin, Gnoll, and other nonhuman languages are spoken as well, due to the large numbers of those races present in the land.

[edit] Government

Bone March was formerly a feudal marchland of the Great Kingdom, and ruled by His Nobility, Clement, the Marquis of Bone March; since 563 CY, it has been controlled by a conclave of nonhuman chiefs.

The national capital is Spinecastle.

[edit] Heraldry

Bone March's coat of arms is blazoned thus: Gules, three shin-bones, two in saltire, surmounted by one in pale, argent.

[edit] Economy

[edit] Resources

Bone March is noted for producing silver and low- to average-quality gems..

[edit] Currency

Bone March's coinage is based on Aerdy's standard, and consists of the platinum orb (pp), gold ivid (gp), electrum noble (ep), silver penny (sp), and copper common (cp).

[edit] Transportation

[edit] Military

[edit] References