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fr Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
en-1 This user is able to contribute with a basic level of English.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
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Owing to the fact that I'm in an Accounting scholarship , I'm a small contributor of Wikipédia, who wants to improve his English and his culture, by translating very interesting articles , anyway cheching my work is mandatory as I'm still improving.

See also my French user page :[1].

[edit] Centers of interests

  1. Genealogy which I practise for approximatly 8 years.
  2. Histoiry particulary the ancien régime, l'antiquity and all about : Savoie et Provence.
  3. Mathematics
  4. Mechanics
  5. Principality_of_Antioch during crusades and Bohemond's family, work which is very difficult because there is nothing about a lot of descendants.
  6. Families Boymundt zu payersberg, Boimond and others alternatives. The last is from Haute-Savoie.
  7. Business

[edit] Carried out work

[edit] Sources

  1. Christian Settipani
  2. soc.genealogy.medieval
  3. soc.medieval.history
  4. The BNF :