
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

한글Hangul: 훈민정음Hunmin Jeong-eum, 한자Hanja, 한문Hanmum,

Incense: Religious | Therapy | Aesthetics | Censer | Thurible | Sandalwood | Amber | Ambergris | Musk | waft | Joss sticks |

English test: Educational Testing Service | GRE | SAT | TOEIC | |||

Immigration: Immigration to the United States | Green Card | Chinese American | Taiwanese American | Japanese American | Japanese American internment | Immigration and Naturalization Service | U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services | United States Department of Homeland Security | |||||||||

Science: RoHS | PBB | PCBs | biphenyl | Kyoto Protocol | NUEP | Printed circuit board | Phase change heat pump

Business: Antitrust | Cartel | Syndicate | Gucci | Brookings Institution |||||

Position: Dean ||||||

Stock markets in the United States: DJIA | NASDAQ | S&P 500 | Fortune 500|NYSE | NASD(OTC) | AMEX | CBOT | CME | CBOE | PHLX | Pacific Exchange | Boston Stock Exchange

Surveillance: Eavesdropping | Covert listening device | Electronic tagging | Intercept | Minox | Reconnaissance |

Law: Prosecutor | Plaintiff | Defendant | Summons | Verdict | Kidnap | Abduct | Victim | nab |||||

Nudism: fk-mom | Naturist | Zoophilia

Extral Links: UN | NIST | Maddy Dychtwald | 東亞產經網

Extral Links - Wife: 澎湖 | 英語之聲

Encyclopedia: Columbia Encyclopedia | wordpedia | CIA-The World Factbook