Boiled egg

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Opened soft-boiled egg in an egg cup.
Opened soft-boiled egg in an egg cup.

Boiled eggs are cooked by immersing eggs (typically chicken's eggs) in boiling water with their shells unbroken. (Eggs cooked in water without their shells are known as poached eggs; see Poaching (cooking).) Hard-boiled eggs are produced by boiling until both the egg yolk and the egg white are solid, while for soft-boiled eggs the yolk, and sometimes even the white, remains "runny". Boiled eggs are commonly eaten in Europe, North America and other parts of the Western world. They are generally considered easier to cook than many other ways of preparing eggs, while hard boiled eggs are easier to cook than soft boiled eggs.


[edit] Perfect boiled eggs

With a formula from Werner Gruber you could calculate the perfect boiling time for your eggs. This is even simpler with the EggTimer

[edit] In fiction

  • A notable fictional controversy involving boiled eggs is the "endian" dispute over which end of a boiled egg should be eaten first, which is the cause of the war between Lilliput and Blefuscu in Johnathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1726). This is also the source of the term endianness in computing, which describes the way numbers are stored in a system: with the "big" or the "little" end coming first.
  • In The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis, senior devil Screwtape advises apprentice devil Wormwood to seize upon the Patient's annoyance at his mother due to her repeated complaints that the boiled eggs she is given are not quite to her liking.
  • Hardboiled is a type of crime fiction.
  • In the film Cool Hand Luke (1967) Luke Jackson wagers that he can eat fifty hard-boiled eggs in one hour.[1]
  • In the film Blade Runner, the replicant Pris grabs an egg out of boiling water to demonstrate that she isn't human.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

    [edit] External links

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