Bogomil Avramov

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Bogomil K. Avramov-Hemy (born 1937 in Varna) is a Bulgarian writer and poet. He writes both fiction and science essays on the modern problems of ecology. He is married, and has two sons. His books include:

  • "Cricket in Beak" - 1990
  • "Marifeya or Talking with Dolphins" - 1995
  • "The Common Heritage of the Planet or Of Fish and Men" - 2004.

BORN: Varna, Bulgaria, 1937th, Auguist 17th, noon, Home Popovy; EDUCATION: High School – The Varna Technical University – 1968th, Mashine Production Engineer Magister; Middle School – The Machine Engineering College, Varna City – 1958th; Primary School – Saint Angelary, Varna City – 1952d; Kindergarten – The German School-1943-1944th; PROFESSIONAL PRACTIZE: The Varna Diessel Plant – Head of the Automatization Department; The Varna Shipbulding Institute – Science Research Fellow; The Varna Marine Chanell Department – Head of the Technical Department; Committee for Nature Protection at the Counsil of Ministry - Governmental Marine-Ecology Expert № 295 based Varna; Freelance Private Researcher; Invited Lecturer at the High Economy Schools in Sofia and Varna, etc . . . ACHIEVEMENTS: 2003 – “Despite”, No 1-2002/2003, Bimontly Multilingual Edition for Science, Art, Culture, Religions & Politics, ISSN – none; 2002 – The Bread of Ours Daily, Story, ISBN 954-8530-18-X; The Portrait from Fiume, Poetry, ISBN 954-8530-19-8; Christo & Jeanne-Claude YAVASHEV’S, ISBN 954-8530-21-X; One Such Democracy Dead, Short Novel, ISBN 954-8530-22-8; The Startlet Sheep-Pen, Short Novel, ISBN 954-8530-23-6; Kolyu Sevof – The Contribution, Research, ISBN 954-8530-24-4; Saint Marina, Short Story, ISBN 954-8530-32-5; PLITOU-73, Research Revue, ISBN 954-8530-31-7; Worm Eaten Stone, Short Novel, ISBN 954-8530-30-9; The Homeless Dogs, Interview, ISBN 954-8530-29-5; Onto the Timbal of the Stillness, Poetry, ISBN 954-8530-27-9. “The Midnight Aromas”, Shot Story in the Literary Anthology “The Shape of the Endured Time”, ISBN 954-579-204-3; 2000 – “The Night”, a part from the Poem included in the poetry anthology “The Laid of The Sea”, ISBN 954-575-025-1; “Onto The Timbal of the Stillness”, Poem, included in the Literary Anthology “Hermess”, №9 & 10, ISSN 0861-1947; 1996 – Marifeya or To Speak With Dolphins, Novel, ISBN 954-8530-04-X; 1995 – Provadya Today, Review; 1994 – Kaspitchan Today, Review; 1993 - How To Do Own Business Plan, Revue; 1992 – Nonionozation Radiation, Review, ; 1992 – The Truth, Poem, In the Poetry Anthology, “Ant Farm” № 4/1992, Santa Fe, USA, ISBN – none; Etc . . . 1991 – The Closing Gapes Congress, Graz, Austria, invitet patipiciant; 1990 – The Doubrovnik Literary Readings, Soros University, Prague, Tchehoslovakia, invited participant; 1990 – Cricket Into Beak, Marine Short Stories Collection, Profizdat Publishing House-Sofia; 1990 – The National Marine Award for total publicism in the area of marinism; 1990 – Honorable Mention for the poem “The Harbour”, from the World of the Poetry, Sacramento, California, USA; 1990 – A prize for the poem “The Olively Night” in Italian translation, by Accademia IBLEA-Italy; 1990 – A Prize for the short story “Worm Eaten Stone” in Italian translation,

by Accademia IBLEA, Italy;

1990 – The Chitta Di Raguzza Prize for total creative artistical activity; 1989 – A Prize for the short story “Flower with Roots down into the Hearth of the Earth”, in Italian translation, from Accademia IBLEA, Italy; 1988 – A Prize for the short story “Gong from Dry Dryining Pipes”, in Italian translation, from Accademia IBLEA, Italy; 1988 - Nomination as a member of Accademia IBLEA, Italy; 1988 – The National Marine Award for the collection with marine essays “The Common Heritage of the Planet”; from the Bulgarian Marine Transport Corporation; 1984 – First Prize for the shoprt story “The Mummers” from the newspaper “Polet”, 1982 – The National Marine Award for the novel “The Nearby and Longdistance Evergreen”, from the Bulgarian Marine Transport Corporation and the District Art & Culture Counsil - Varna; 1981 – The Embalkment”, Short Story, in the Literary Almanach “Expanses”, № 1/1981; 1979 – “Hundreds Cupper Bells”, short story in the Literary Almanach “Expanses”, № 1/1979; 1971 – “The Neverfalling Pallete”, TV screenplay for the Varna Regional TV, a realized documentary film 1968 – The short story “ A Pair of underwear and a Samovar for Tea”, In the Literary Almanach “Expanses” , Publishing № 624; 1962 – Prize for the short Story, “The Haze”, from newspaper “Narodno Delo” 1958 – Founder of the bulleten “The Cement” at the Devnja Cement Factory near Varna City; ACTIONS BY PUBLICATIONS, LETTERS & EXPERTIZES: 1980 – against the incrimination of the law ship’s penalty for oil pollution; 1982 – against the destroyed bas-reliefs in the lobby of the Varna Central Post Office; 1987/88 – against the new urban preplaning of the City of Varna; 1991 – against the exploitation of the radiotransmiter “Kaliakra”; 1992 – against the building of the new petrol port at Shabla; 1993 – against the offshore oil drillings; etc . . . MEMBERSHIP: 1993 – The Wiretr’s Association, Varna City; 1992 – Founder of the Association “The Ecogoodwill for Kavarna”; 1988 – Academician at Accademia Internationale IBLEA di Lettere Science e Arte, Italia; 1984 – International Association for Impact Assessment, USA; 1984 – The Bulgarian Union of Scientist, Branch Varna. REFERENCES: 1984 – IAIA Yearbook; 1988 – The Iblea Blue Register-Italy; 1996, 2001, 2002; – Who is Who in the World, USA; 1997 – Who is Who in Bulgaria, Publishing House “TRUD”, Sofia; 1997 – Who is Who in the Bulgarian Ciulture”, Publishing House Slavena, Varna; 1998, 1999, 2000, - Clossary of International Biographies, Cambridge, England; 1994, 1995, 1996 – The Yearbook of Experts, Expert Authorities and Spokepersons, Washington, USA; PUBLICISM: 1958-2002 – more than 500 different type articles in the central and local newspapers and periodicals; SCIENCE RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS: 1958-2002 – more than 75 in the specialized press or as limited closed distribution; HOBBIES: Music; Violin; Better Lifestandarts . . . KEY WORDS: Art; Design; Environment; Experts; Journalism; Literature, Library; Market; Nature; Oil; Partocracy; Pauperology; Petrol, Poetry; Prevention; Shipbuilding; Systems, POST & HOME ADDRESS: Bulgaria-9002, Varna 24 Ivan Drassov Street, Apt: 02; c/o Bogomil K. Avramov-Hemy; GSM: +359 89 8262 542; GMS: +359 89 7889 608 Fax: +359 52 600 081;