Boa Vista, Cape Verde

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Boa Vista - Cape Verde
Image:Cape Verde-Boa Vista.png
Elevation: 387 m (Monte Estancia)
Latitude: 15.09 (15°5'33 N)
Longitude: 24.81 (24°48'39" W)
Length: 31 km (north to south)
Width: 29 km (west to east)
Area: 620 km²
Population: 3,353
Location: Cape Verde Islands
Type: N/A
Sal Rei.
Sal Rei.

Boa Vista (Portuguese meaning "good view") is a desert island in the Barlaventos archipelago of Cape Verde and is also the easternmost. It economy was originally based on agriculture, but desertification led to salt collection becoming more important. The area is 620 km² and is the third largest right after Santo Antão and Santiago. The location from the coast of Africa or mainland Africa is 455 km west. Its main industries today are date farming and tourism. Much of the island is flat-like. The highest point on the island is Monte Estancia elevating 387 m, other mountains includes Santo Antônio (Saint Anthony) and Monte Negro (Black Mountain). Other features includes Campo da Serra. While most of the population live in the capital,there are many small settlements, with 10 to 50 people each while others are either 100 or abandoned and has the smallest population of all Cape Verde's islands, excepting the three northwestern uninhabited islands and is one of the underpopulated in the archipelago.

The island is known for marine turtles and traditional music, as well as its ultramarathon and its sand dunes and beaches. Its main town is Sal Rei, its ferry port and home to Boa Vista's airport on the northwest side of the island.

Surrounding islets includes Ilha do Sal Rei featuring a lighthouse in the west and Ilha da Baluate featuring the easternmost point in the entire Cape Verde. Points includes Ponta Antônia to the north.


[edit] Persons

[edit] Parishes

  • Santa Isabel
  • São João Baptista

[edit] Settlements

[edit] Sporting teams

[edit] Other

Boa Vista has a school or a collegiate (colegio), the island has yet a middle or a high school, churches, beaches, a hotel, a port, and a square (praça).

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Islands of Cape Verde Flag of Cape Verde
Island Groups
Barlavento | Sotavento

Boa Vista | Brava | Fogo | Maio | Sal | Santa Luzia | Santiago | Santo Antão | São Nicolau | São Vicente

Branco | Ilhéu Laja Branca | Ilhéu dos Passaros | Ilhéu Rabo de Junco | Razo | Ilhéu de Sal-Rei | Ilhéu Secos (Ilhéu de Cima | Ilhéu Grande)

Municipalities of Cape Verde

Boa Vista | Brava | Maio | Mosteiros | Paul | Porto Novo | Praia | Ribeira Grande | Sal | Santa Catarina | Santa Cruz | São Domingos | São Filipe | São Miguel | São Nicolau | São Vicente | Tarrafal

New municipalities (as of 2005)

Ribeira Grande de Santiago | Santa Catarina do Fogo | São Lourenço dos Órgãos | São Salvador do Mundo | Tarrafal de São Nicolau