Blur derivative
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Many continuous wavelets are derived from a probability density (e.g. Sombrero). This approach also sets up a link among probability densities, wavelets and ‘’blur derivatives’’. To begin with, let P(.) be a probability density, , the space of complex signals infinitely differentiable.
A blurred signal can be derived from f(.) by using the probability density P(.) according to:
The classical derivative
of the blurred version is referred to as the blur derivative of f(.) through the density P(.).
[edit] Blur derivative and wavelets
- is a wavelet engendered by P(.).
Given a mother wavelet ψ that holds the admissibility condition then the continuous wavelet transform is defined by
- , .
Continuous wavelets have often unbounded support, such as Morlet wavelet, Meyer, Mathieu wavelet, de Oliveira wavelet.
In the case where the wavelet was generated from a probability density, one has
so that
If the order of the integral and derivative can be permuted, it follows that
Defining the LPFed signal as theblur signal
an interesting interpretation can be made: set a scale a and take the average (smoothed) version of the original signal - the blur version . The blur derivative
is the nth derivative regarding the shift b of the blur signal at the scale a.
The blur derivative coincide with the wavelet transform CWT(a,b) at the corresponding scale. Details (high-frequency) are provided by the derivative of the low-pass (blur) version of the original signal.
Many continuous wavelets can be derived by this approach.
[edit] References
- [1] G. Kaiser, A Friendly Guide to Wavelets, Boston: Birkhauser, 1994.
- [2] H.M. de Oliveira, G.A.A. Araújo, Compactly Supported One-cyclic Wavelets Derived from Beta Distributions, Journal of Communication and Information Systems, (former Journal of the Brazilian Telecommunications Society), vol.20, n.3, pp.27-33, 2005.
- [3] M.M.S. Lira, H. M. de Oliveira and R.J.S. Cintra, Elliptic-Cylinder Wavelets: The Mathieu Wavelets, IEEE Signal Process. Letters, vol. 11, n.1, Jan., pp. 52 - 55, 2004.
- [4] H.M. de Oliveira, L.R. Soares and T.H. Falk, A Family of Wavelets and a New Orthogonal Multiresolution Analysis Based on the Nyquist Criterion, J. of the Brazilian Telecomm. Soc., Special issue, vol. 18, N.1, pp. 69-76, Jun., 2003.