Blue Funnel Line

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The Blue Funnel Line was founded by Alfred Holt on the 16 January, 1866.

In a circular published at No1 India Buildings, Liverpool, Holt announced 'I beg to inform you that I am about to establish a line of Screw Steamers from Liverpool to China...The first vessel will be the Agamemnon, now nearly ready for sea, and intended to sail about the 20th of March. They exact day of sailing will be advertised when I obtain delivery from the builders, but I expect it will not be far from this date... The Agamemnon will be followed by the Ajax and Achilles, similar vessels. The service I propose these vessels to perform is somewhat as follows'. A non-stop run to Mauritius then on to Penang, Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai with a call at Foochow to pick up a cargo of tea on the return voyage.

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