Bloodaxe (comics)

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DeFalco/Frenz/Milgrom, Art from Thunderstrike #1, p22

Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance Thor (vol. 1) #449
Created by
Alter ego Jackie Lukus
Affiliations none
Notable aliases Executioner
Abilities Superhuman strength, endurance and speed,
Wields enchanted axe that can cut through nearly anything

Bloodaxe is an fictional character, owned by Marvel Comics who exists in that company's Marvel Universe as a foe of Thor and Thunderstrike. This character first appeared in Thor (vol. 1) #449, though he did not adopt his name and appearance until #450. The name also applies to the axe used by this character.

[edit] Fictional character biography

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Bloodaxe's identity was initially a mystery, all early panels of the character's alter ego were depicted as being concealed by shadow or as a silhouette. Due to the sheer muscular mass of Bloodaxe (a direct result of the Asgardian magic within the axe), it was also impossible to determine whether the mortal alias was even male or female. Many supporting cast members of Thunderstrike were hinted at being Bloodaxe but many of those clues would later turn out to be red herrings to conceal 'his' true identity. It was only after Bloodaxe was defeated in Thunderstrike #22 that the mortal alias was revealed to be Jackie Lukus, a confidant and love interest of Thunderstrike's alias Eric Masterson.

Bloodaxe's powers were derived from the enchanted Asgardian axe once wielded by Skurge the Executioner. The evil that remained within it from Skurge's time as a villain would eventually drive any new owner of the axe insane, and compel them to kill.

Bloodaxe first fought Thor when the mortal Eric Masterson was using the identity of Thor. When the real Thor returned, Masterson became Thunderstrike and again fought Bloodaxe several times. Thunderstrike defeated Bloodaxe and succumbed to the axe's will in an attempt to obtain more power to defeat an even bigger villain, Set the Serpent God of Death. After Set was destroyed, Thunderstrike was possessed by the axe's murderous curse and as no-one was able to stop his rampage, Masterson chose to sacrifice himself in order to destroy the Bloodaxe forever.

The Bloodaxe was then re-introduced during Dan Jurgens' Thor run, where it was used by Thor in conjunction with Mjolnir. Thor later destroyed it with the Odinpower after he felt the curse beginning to work on him.

[edit] Powers and abilities

Bloodaxe was endowed with superhuman strength, reflexes, stamina and endurance. He was invulnerable to conventional firearms, incendiary or ballistic devices.

The Bloodaxe axe was mystically enchanted and virtually indestructible. It could be used to teleport to places the wielder has previously been, and project fire or ice energy. It could also manipulate magnetic fields, allowing the user to deflect incoming gunfire back at attackers. However, if the user was separated from the axe for more than 60 seconds, they would lose their enchanted form and revert to their original mortal identity, much like the enchantment once placed on Mjolnir by Odin.

[edit] Bloodaxe 2099

Bloodaxe was also a name taken by a minor Spider-Man 2099 villain, who also called himself Bloodmace, Bloodsword and Bloodhammer, depending on what kind of weapon he was holding at the time.