Blood & Orchids

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Blood & Orchids
Directed by Jerry Thorpe
Produced by Lorimar Productions
Andrew Adelson
Kim C. Friese
Malcolm Stuart
Written by Norman Katkov
Starring Kris Kristofferson
Jane Alexander
Madeline Stowe
Jose Ferrer
Sean Young
Music by Charles Fox
Mark Snow
Cinematography Chuck Arnold
Editing by Marvin Adelson
Lori Jane Coleman
Distributed by CBS-TV
Release date(s) February, 1986
Running time 240 minutes (including commercials)
Country United States
Language English
All Movie Guide profile
IMDb profile

Blood & Orchids is a 1986 made-for-TV crime-drama film inspired by the 1932 Massie Trial in Honolulu, Hawaii. It was typical of many crime dramas produced during the period.


[edit] Reception

This film was nominated for two awards, including one Emmy Award for costuming and an Artios Award for casting.

[edit] Plot

In 1937 Hawaii, four Hawaiian-native men find a white woman, beaten nearly to death, and take her to a hospital--only to be charged later with her rape and assault. During their trial, the woman's husband, a Lieutenant in the US Navy, shoots one of them to death and later stands trial himself. The trial brings into stark relief the racial tensions that tear at the social fabric of Territorial Hawaii in the years prior to World War II.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

In 1937 Hawaii, socialite Hester Ashley Murdoch (Madeline Stowe) leaves a dinner party for officers at the US Naval base in Honolulu in the company of a man who is not her husband (Lieutenant Lloyd Murdoch, played by William Russ), but rather Lt. Murdoch's best friend. The friend coldly announces that he is terminating their relationship, this although Hester is carrying his child. Outraged, she announces that she will tell her husband and the commanding admiral on the station. In retaliation, the friend beats her savagely and leaves her bloodied, battered body where it lies.

Four young Hawaiian men find her and take her to a hospital, this although they fear being blamed for the condition she is in because she is haole (white) and they native Hawaiian. At the hospital, Hester's mother Doris (Jane Alexander) assumes that the Hawaiians are to blame, but Hester says, "It's nobody's fault; I was the pregnant one!" The shocked Doris tells her daughter that she must collaborate in Doris' campaign to blame the Hawaiians, saying that Hester must think of Doris' "position" in high society. Accordingly, the four are charged with rape and assault--this although the only sexual intercourse that Hester had was consensual and not with any of the four.

Most of the law-enforcement officers involved, including the Honolulu Police Department and the Navy Shore Patrol, assume that the Hawaiians are guilty. But Detective Captain Curt Maddox (Kris Kristofferson) is unconvinced. Meanwhile, the Hawaiians get a court-appointed attorney who strives valiantly to show that the four must be innocent of the crime, because of time-line conflicts with the best estimate of when the beating took place. But the trial of the four ends abruptly and tragically when Lieutenant Murdoch, at the height of an at-the-bench discussion between the judge and the two opposing counsels, abruptly draws his service automatic and shoots the lead defendant twice in the head, killing him.

Now Murdoch must stand trial (in a civilian court) for murder in the first degree. Doris sends a wire to famed criminal attorney Walter Bergmann (Jose Ferrer), who agrees to defend Lieutenant Murdoch against the murder charge. The pre-trial investigation is complicated by an affair between Detective Maddox and Mr. Bergmann's wife Leonore (Sean Young). The case is further complicated when a number of Navy petty officers, all friends of Murdoch, kidnap the three remaining Hawaiians, tie them in spread-eagle fashion to an improvised rack, and beat them to get them to confess to the original alleged rape and assault. In the course of that particular atrocity, the Navy men repeatedly use the expression "bilge," which (at least according to the film) is common Navy slang for useless information or known falsehood. The lawyer for the Hawaiians interviews the three, after they are brought to a hospital and unable to lie on their backs because of the severe beatings they have received. There they finally blurt out, "They said, 'Bilge!'" This gives the lawyer the vital clues he needs. Maddox follows up the clues and has the three arrested.

Murdoch's trial climaxes with Attorney Bergmann trying to sum up by saying that Murdoch's action was excusable. "Those animals beat her!" he cries--and then Hester, plagued by her conscience, blurts out, "They're innocent! They're innocent!" Although Bergmann roughly escorts her from the courtroom, the damage is done: Murdoch is convicted.

Subsequently, we see Doris engaging in a behavior called "brazening it out." She hires an interior decorator to redecorate her home. In the middle of her interview with the decorator, Detective Maddox arrives with a warrant for the arrests of Doris and Hester. Hester, crushed, rushes to her bathroom and hangs herself from the shower head. Doris discovers Hester's dead body and cries out in anguish--although whether that anguish is truly for losing her daughter or because this is the final shameful and devastating blow to her social position, the film leaves unresolved--and perhaps deliberately so.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Cast

[edit] Allusions to actual history

This film is based loosely on the trial of Lieutenant Thomas Massie USN, the real-life person that forms the basis of Lieutenant Murdoch. Names of real-life persons have been changed, as follows:

In addition, new characters are added that have no verifiable real-life counterpart. For example, no historical warrant can be found for an HPD detective having any kind of romantic liaison with Clarence Darrow's wife.

This teleplay departs from historical events in many ways, as one can see by comparing the plot summary to the main article on the Massie Trial. For example:

  • In the teleplay, the four accused of raping and assaulting Hester Murdoch are all Hawaiians. In fact, five men, of a variety of racial origins, were accused of raping and assaulting the real Thalia Fortescue Massie.
  • Also in the teleplay, the four original defendants get into trouble because they took the stricken woman to the hospital. In actual fact, Horace Ida, Joseph Kahahawai, and their three friends seem never even to have heard of Thalia Fortescue Massie until they were arrested and charged in her rape.
  • The teleplay makes no mention of what the five were actually doing that night--namely, getting into an altercation with a haole couple after they and the couple missed each other by inches in their respective automobiles, while Thalia was suffering whatever it was that happened to her.
  • The role of Princess Abigail Kawananakoa is wildly exaggerated and even misrepresented. Far from being a practical political outcast, she was in fact a member of the Republican National Committee at the time. She it was who encouraged a local lawyer to represent the five original defendants, at great personal risk to himself. But she did not, as "Princess Luahine" is depicted as doing, turn the case into a political cause celebre.
  • No firm historical or forensic warrant exists for Thalia Fortescue Massie having been raped or assaulted at all, much less for the identity of her actual assailant. Rumors held that she was seen with a white man before she arrived home. Unsubstantiated gossip at the time suggested that the man was one of Lieutenant Massie's shipmates, and even that Lieutenant Massie himself had dealt the vicious blows that landed his wife in the hospital. (For further versions of the alleged assault, see the main article on the Massie Trial.)
  • Lieutenant Massie did not shoot Joseph Kahahawai in hot-blooded passion in open court with his service automatic before courtroom spectators, as is depicted in this film. Rather, he, his mother-in-law, and two other Navy men kidnapped Kahahawei and tortured him to confess to the rape--after the five original defendants were released following a mistrial in their case. Kahahawai never confessed, and one of his four kidnappers shot him.
  • Lieutenant Massie did not stand trial alone. His mother-in-law and two Navy accomplices stood trial with him.
  • Thalia Massie never admitted the possibility that she had misidentified her assailants. She certainly never blurted out, "They're innocent!" in open court.
  • Nor did Thalia commit suicide following the conviction of her mother, her husband, and her husband's friends. Instead, the four defendants, originally sentenced to serve ten years in prison, had the sentence commuted to serve one hour--in the Territorial Governor's office. But Thalia was always mentally unstable, and in the end died in Palm Beach, Florida, of an overdose of barbiturates--in 1963, fully thirty-one years after the trial.
  • Rear Admiral Stirling did make a number of unprofessional and irresponsible statements to the press during the first trial, including a suggestion that he would take it kindly if some Naval personnel were to hunt down the five alleged assailants of Mrs. Massie and "string them up"--which is to say, to lynch them. In fact, a number of never-identified Navy men kidnapped and beat Horace Ida with belt buckles, trying to extract a confession that he never gave. No warrant exists for the same or similar thing happening to any of Joseph Kahahawai's other three co-defendants. (Which is not to say that they escaped unscathed. They never lived down the trial, and to their dying days they had to deal with people who believed them guilty of a crime that, in all likelihood, they did not commit.)

[edit] References

Cast, crew, and production credits are taken from the All Movie Guide and the Internet Movie Database.

The historical record comes from the main article on the event on which this film is supposedly based. Further details, such as the details of Thalia's ultimate death, come from an external source describing the 2005 PBS documentary on the Massie Trial itself.

[edit] External links