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The surname Bloggs or the full name Joe Bloggs or Jo Bloggs is a commonly used placeholder name in United Kingdom teaching, programming, and other thinking and writing. A variant has the name as Fred Bloggs. American variants also include John Q. Public and Joe Schmoe. In adverts for store cards or credit cards, the name Mr (or Mrs) A Smith or A. N. Other are sometimes also used as a placeholder.

[edit] Example uses

  • In The Princeton Review standardized test preparation courses, "Joe Bloggs" represents the average test-taker, and students are trained to identify the "Joe Bloggs answer", or the choice which seems right but may be misleading on harder questions. [1]
  • In an episode of the TV series Firefly "Joey Bloggs" is the name of a man Malcolm Reynolds uses as part of a cover story, only to find out Joey Bloggs killed himself several months earlier. The show's Anglophile creator Joss Whedon possibly included it as a joke.

[edit] See also

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