Block quote
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The block quote, also known as an extract, is a method of formatting a direct quotation within a written document in which the quoted material is visually differentiated from the surrounding material through the use of indentation. Generally speaking, a block quote is used when cited text is four or more lines in length. Compared with a run-in quotation (that is, material integrated into the current paragraph structure), the block quote differs in two significant ways:
- It does not make use of opening and closing quotation marks.
- It is indented from the left margin of the preceding paragraph to offset (make stand out) the cited text. It may also be set a point smaller than the surrounding text (CMS).
The block quote may also be used to distinguish shorter citations from original text, though strictly speaking this does not follow APA or MLA style guidelines. Use of the block quote for shorter passages is a stylistic choice that may or may not be acceptable depending on the situation.
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[edit] Formatting block quotes
There is no hard and fast rule for exact formatting of a block quote. To a large extent the specific format may be dictated by the method of publication (e.g. handwritten text, typewritten pages, or electronic publishing) as well as the typeface being used. Some guidelines suggest an indentation of five spaces, while others suggest ten, and some suggest 15. However, five spaces in a proportional font may be much narrower than in a monospace font of the same point size. In addition, setting an indent based on an exact number of spaces may not be technically possible in a given word processing or electronic publishing application. In these situations, a measurement of distance rather than a number of spaces may be prescribed instead (for example, a 0.5–1" indent.) Some writers indent block quotes from the right margin as well. Block quotes are generally set off from the text that precedes and follows them by also adding extra space above and below the quotation and setting the text in smaller type. Barring specific requirements, the format of the block quote will ultimately be determined by aesthetics, making the quotation pleasing to the eye, easy to read, and appropriate for the particular writing task.
[edit] Introductory punctuation, capitalization, and indentation
Block quotations are usually preceded by a sentence ending with a colon or a period, and they usually begin with a capitalized first word.
| Fielding hides his own opinions on the matter deep in Tom Jones:
—Now, in reality, the world have paid too great a compliment to critics, and have imagined them men of much greater profundity than they really are. From this complaisance the critics have been emboldened to assume a dictatorial power, and have so far succeeded that they are now become the masters, and have the assurance to give laws to those authors from whose predecessors they originally received them.
If the quoted passage continues an obviously incomplete (unquoted) sentence that precedes it, a comma may be used instead, or no punctuation at all, depending on the sentence's syntax, and the following extract will usually begin with a lowercase letter.
According to Fielding,
When the beginning of a block quotation is also the beginning of a paragraph in the original, the first line of the quotation is normally indented like a paragraph, and any subsequent paragraph openings in an extract are similarly indented.
Expanding on his theme, his tone veers toward the contemptuous:
[edit] Quotations within an extract
If a block quote itself contains quoted material, double quotation marks enclose that material. (In a run-in quotation, these would be set as single quotation marks.)
Davenport reports what may have been the last words Pound ever spoke in public:
Dialogue in a block quotation is enclosed in quotation marks, and the beginning of each speech is marked by paragraph indention, just as in the original.
Next O'Connor’s hapless protagonist is collared and grilled by the retired schoolteacher in the second-floor apartment:
If a speech runs to more than one paragraph, open quotation marks appear at the beginning of each paragraph of the extract; closing quotation marks appear only at the end of the final paragraph.
For dialogue from a play or meeting minutes, the speakers' names are set on a small indention, in italics or small capitals, followed by a period or colon. Runover lines generally indent about an em space further.
This vein of rustic drollery resurfaces in the scene where the transformed Bottom meets the fairies (act 2, scene 1):
[edit] Comparing with run-in quotes
The examples given above are block quotes. The following sentence contains a run-in quote:
Wikipedia defines Hanlon's Razor as follows: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity." |